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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

Cardinal, The


US, 1963, 175 minutes, Colour.
Tom Tryon, Carol Lynley, Romy Schneider, John Saxon, Dorothy Gish, Maggie McNamara?, John Huston, Burgess Meredith, Jill Haworth, Raf Vallone, Robert Morse, Ossie Davis, Chill Will, Patrick O'Neal.
Directed by Otto Preminger.

The Cardinal is based on the very popular best seller of the 50s by Henry Morton Robinson. It was very popular amongst Catholics as well as Non-Catholics?. This version was made in the early 60s by Otto Preminger who enjoys a reputation of being daring eg. with The Moon is Blue and The Man with the Golden Arm in the 50s, Hurry Sundown in the 60s and Defiance of the Hayes' Office. Preminger moved into the spectacular field, especially with Exodus in 1960, and The Cardinal draws on his experience for these spectacles.

Tom Tryon takes on the central role quite effectively but was attacked by critics for being too stolid. (Tryon has since gone on to become a best-selling novelist.) Many stars, a number of whom appear in many of Preminger's films took guest roles in this particular film, the most notable was John Huston as Cardinal Glennon and Burgess Meredith as an ailing parish priest. The film presents a picture of Roman Catholicism prior to the Second Vatican Council, the issues in which it was involved in this century especially those of the developing American Church (and the reactions of the Ku Klux Klan) and the difficulties in Europe prior to World War II. The film reaches its climax in the period of the Anschluss.

When the film was made there was not such an exodus from the priestly ministry as there was in the late 60s and 70s. The film is interesting in retrospect in showing us priests with problems, taking time off, making a decision to continue. The Cardinal will appeal to all those who enjoy a large scale spectacular film. Preminger received a papal medal as an award during Vatican II and the film was screened to the Bishops present at the Council.

1. Why was this an enjoyable and appealing film? Its scope? Stars, religion, politics, human interest, intrigues and crises? why do audiences respond to these?

2. How successful was the film as drama? Entertainment in good taste?

3. How real was the film? In terms of people and incidents, real themes? Or did the whole film seem unreal and non-genuine? Was the feeling within the film real or contrived? Melodrama? What was the quality of the response of the audience?

4. What did the film presuppose in audiences as regards religion? The true nature of religion, piety, religious attitudes, the area of decisions and morals, the power of religion and the Church, the influence on politics, external and internal religion? The varying response depending on audience presuppositions about religion? Was the film a picture of genuine religion or not?

5. Comment on the structure of the film and its success: the flashbacks, the succession of incidents, the vastness of scope and its varying nature? Colour, widescreen, a religious spectacular? The varying locations?

6. How interesting a character was Stephen Fermoyle? We know that he is a cardinal at the beginning, how does this influence our attitudes towards the events in the film? The pomp and circumstance of the ceremonies? What kind of man was Stephen Fermoyle in his attitudes, behaviour, principles, emotions? As an American priest? As a churchman belonging to Rome as well as American? How convincing was Tom Tryon's performance? Was he a sympathetic character? Could audiences identify with him? Could they understand him? Did Father Fermoyle change and grow spiritually and as a man during all these events?

7. The importance of the American background for Stephen Fermoyle? The Catholic home, the family and their relationships, the influence of school and parish life? The inevitable vocation? Fermoyle's later comments on this?

8. The influence of Rome on Fermoyle; his studies as a priest, Cardinal Quarenghi and his friendship and support? Ordination in Rome, specialization in history? Inevitability of the clash with the Cardinal? The suspicion of Roman learning? His initial appointment? The emphasis on non-intellectual faith? Parish money etc. and organization? The Monsignor? What comment on church organization was being made in these sequences?

9. The importance of the incidents with Mona? Stephen's love for her? Her Benny, his instruction, his reaction to the hard line? Mona's confession and her disillusionment? Was her going away credible? The tango atmosphere and the way that this was communicated? Her relationship with the dancer? The drama and melodrama of the baby and its head being crushed? Did Stephen make the right decision as regards her death? The impact on his life of this decision? The reaction of the other members of the family, especially Florrie's hardness?

10. The importance of the sequence of his parish work in the outlying parts of the diocese? Father Haley and his lack of success, yet his humility? His illness? The support of ordinary people? Or did Stephen Fermoyle learn here? Selling his goods? Visiting the Cardinal and the Cardinal's visit to Father Haley? What influence did this have on his later life?

11. How important was Stephen Fermoyle's career? Did he seek a career in the church? Being chosen by the Cardinal, the conclave and the irony of his missing it, the work in Rome, Fermoyle's relationship with the other Cardinals, the nature of his work? How interesting were these aspects of his life?

12. Why did he ask for time off from the priesthood? How convincing were his discussions with Cardinal Glennon? Why did he go? The nature of his crisis? The inevitability of his priesthood, his guilt as regards Mona? The sequences of him teaching? were these credible? His chance to act as an ordinary man? The attraction for Anne-Marie? and her response? Ordinary life, yet tempered by prayer? How hard was his decision to come back? Was it well made? The visual impact of Anne-Marie? seeing the collar? Were the episodes about the African Americans of the Church well integrated into the film? Father Gillis' visit? A black pleading his cause in Rome? Rome's diplomacy? Fermoyle's decision to go to America? His interaction with the Monsignor who did not know his identity? The reaction with the Sheriff? The picture of Catholics picketing? The plight of the negroes? How well were the race questions presented? Were they explored? The dramatics and melodramatics of the Ku Klux Klan, the burning and the whipping? The impact of seeing a Bishop suffer this? His being let free by Lafe? And their discussion?

13. The importance of his work in Austria? Was this aspect of world history integrated well into the film? His consecration and status as Bishop? His being briefed in Rome about the Austrian situation? His diplomacy with Cardinal Innitzer? Cardinal Innitzer's attitude towards Hitler? The dramatic atmosphere in Austria? The encountering of Anne-Marie? Her unhappy marriage, the suicide of her husband? The importance of the Anschlus day and the siege of the Cathedral? The imprisonment of Anne-Marie?

14. What insight into a past era of the church? Insight into a man of the church? Valuable? Or merely entertaining?