US, 1937, 116 minutes, Black and White.
Spencer Tracy, Freddie Bartholomew, Mickey Rooney, Lionel Barrymore, Melvyn Douglas.
Directed by Victor Flemyng.
Captains Courageous is a boys' story and the film appeals even after many decades. The story of a spoilt boy learning to survive and growing into a likeable boy is always cheering. Freddie Bartholomew, popular as a child-actor in the 30's, is effective in the role. Spencer Tracy, who won an Oscar for this performance, is the kindly sailor, Manuel, who befriends and educates the boy. There is plenty of action and sea adventure. A similar film, also to be recommended is Down to the Sea in Ships (1948).
1. A good adventure story? Why? Strong in human interest and enjoyment? Why?
2. How closely were audiences meant to identify with Harvey? Was this important for an understanding of the theme of the film? (Did this mean that the film was mainly one for boys?).
3. How strongly did the film make Harvey the central character? At home? Arrogance and the servants' reactions? His friends' reactions towards their enjoyable stay? Bribing his friends? Conduct at school? situation of the printing press? His meanness and calculation? Modelling himself on his father? Reactions to the teachers and his going into Coventry?
4. As a parallel to this, how well did the film visualise Mr. Cheyne? Especially in his haste, meals, timetable, preoccupation with his work, telephone communication with his son? What comment about the father son relationship was made by these visual means?
5. Did you think that the school authorities handled Harvey's situation well? Within the framework of school discipline, and for the discipline of the other boys? The fact that they were subjected to Mr. Cheyne's investigations? That they had to be beholden to benefactors? Did they explain the situation well? How should Mr. Cheyne have handled Harvey?
6. Why didn't Harvey learn by his being sent away from school and his 'rusticating'? Did he realise what he needed? (Was this possible for a boy of ten?) .
7. How important were the sequences on the ship? The fact that he had not learnt anything from his experience? His arrogance with his father, the ship's crew, the boys and their drinking of the sodas?
8. How did the film change atmosphere when he fell overboard? From a big ship to a small ship via the sea? How important was this change of atmosphere? To show Harvey in an alien and different atmosphere? That he would be lost?
9. How reassuring was the new atmosphere for the audience? Small simple fishing ship? Ordinary work? Atmosphere of friendliness?
10. How did Harvey's arrogance stand out in such a new atmosphere? Was he credible at all? The lack of understanding from the ship's captain and crew?
11. How good a character was Manuel? Why did audiences like him? His simplicity? (His accent and his Portuguese background, his singing etc.?). The fact that he was the opposite of Harvey, his saving of life and enthusiasm for his work, the significance of his speeches about his father and going to heaven, his conception of heaven as a fishing place. his relating of Christ and the Apostles as fishermen etc.? How did Manuel stand out alongside the rest of the crew? In his relating to Harvey?
12. The captain? Was his treatment of Harvey just? His not wanting to believe Harvey's story? His decision to keep him and employ him? Concern for the men? Good humour? Rivalry with the other captain?
13. Dan as a hardworking young lad? As a contrast with Harvey? How importantly. especially at the end?
14. Why was Jack continually complaining? The dispute about Harvey as a Jonah at the meal table? Blonde Jack and his continual rivalry with Manuel? Harvey tampering with his line? Harvey owning up to Blonde Jack? How did this change Jack's attitude?
15. How well did Harvey learn during his time on the ship? His initial wanting to cheat. his facing up to the truth? And his emotional needs being filled by his friendship and admiration for Manuel?
16. How vividly did the film present the fishing life? In its details. in the atmosphere of the sea? The way the ship and the sea were filmed? How important was the race?
17. Were you surprised that Manuel died? Was it the captain's fault with his foolish rivalry? Merely an accident? The nobility of Manuel's death? Did you identify with Harvey's grief?
18. How did the return to land prove a crisis for Harvey? The fact that he had loved someone and had learnt something worthwhile? The cold relationship with his father? His going to the church and to Manuel's boat?
19. How did time heal Harvey's wounds? The importance of the sequence of the throwing of the wreaths into the water? The possibility of Harvey and his father relating? The final sequence of Harvey telling tall stories in the car?