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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

Canterville Ghost, The/ 1943


US, 1943, 95 Minutes, Black and white.
Charles Laughton, Margaret O'Brien, Robert Young, William Gargan, Rags Ragland, Peter Lawford.
Directed by Jules Dassin.

The Canterville Ghost was a popular comedy of the war period - and emphasized good relationships between England and America in the war. Director was Jules Dassin, a director from radio at the beginning of his cinema career. He was to make such films as Brute Force and The Naked City before moving to Europe during the black-listing period where he made films like Rififi and He Who Must Die. During the 60s and 70s he made several films with his wife Melina Mercouri Never on Sunday, Topkapi, A Dream of Passion. Charles Laughton does a pleasant parody of his Henry VIII style. Margaret O'Brien shows her ability as a little girl actress - as she did in Meet Me in St. Louis the following year. A pleasant comedy which has not entirely dated and still has some appeal.

1. An entertaining piece of whimsy, fantasy? War propaganda? Its impact in America and Britain during 1943-44? Now?

2. Charles Laughton's style and presence as the comic ghost? Margaret O'Brien and her talent, the appeal of a pleasing young child? Robert Young as popular hero? A popular blending of the stars for sentiment and comedy?

3. Hollywood's presentation of England - creation of British atmosphere, the light touch and parody? The importance of America's war effort and contact with Britain? The references to heroism, Germany and the Nazis? The light touch for war propaganda?

4. The presentation of British ghosts and their traditions? The book and the illustration of the ghosts, the spoof of the prologue and the mock heroism the duel, the seconds, the cowardice, the father walling up his son?

5. The blend of the serious and the light touch, the solemn and the mock heroic? How did this set the tone for the rest of the comedy? The contrast with the atmosphere of Britain in World War II? American soldiers occupying castles etc.? The British hosts to the Americans?

6. The Canterville women - the Aunt and Jessica? The atmosphere of servants, nobility, the upkeep of castles, British traditions? The contrast with the American soldiers - the routines of military service comedy, the fellowship with the Americans in England?

7. The introduction of the ghost, fear, the irony of their scaring the ghost? Adaptation to English customs, tea, the servants, the meeting with Lady Jessica? The outing at the village and the sedate playing of Pagan Love Song and the Boogie-Woogie? The presentations of the Americans enjoying themselves, training, at war, the patrol and the mission? Morale boosting for the American forces? The comedy and ironies of the cowardly ghost? His devices for scaring people, his scaring of the soldiers, the irony of his being scared and terrified? The encounter with Lady Jessica and her reassuring him, the bonds of friendship? The friendship with Coffey and the discovery that he was a Canterville? Their discussion of plans for the ghost's redemption? The ghost's presence during the patrol, his seeing Coffey as scared, his disappointment, the heroism and the comedy of the bomb?

8. Charles Laughton's styles - overtones of his playing of Henry VII - for a comic ghost? The sentiment of his final disappearance and being at rest? Margaret O'Brien's style as Jessica? Her age. presence, the light touch, her regal bearing, her friendship with the soldiers, with her aunt, with Coffey? Her discussions with the ghost? Her relying on Coffey's help, her prayer during the patrol? Her heroism and the exploding of the bomb? The light touch with such a young heroine, e.g. with her dancing the Boogie Woogie, her manners?

9. Robert Young as the popular hero, the good humoured comedy on the Americans in England? Background, history, scaring the ghost, relating to Sir Simon, friendship with Lady Jessica? His cowardice during the patrol, his heroism and Jessica's helping him?

10. Expectations of chivalry, heroism, causes - and the humorous touch, fantasy, insight and morale boosting?