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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26



US, 1967, 191 minutes, Colour.
Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero, David Hemmings, Laurence Naismith, Lionel Jeffries.
Directed by Joshua Logan.

Camelot is another big musical by Lerner and Loewe (My Fair Lady, Brigadoon, Paint Your Wagon, The Little Prince). It was directed by Joshua Logan who was responsible for the film versions of South Pacific, Paint Your Wagon. Logan operates on the big booming principle and consequently his films don't have the same impact as much more stylish directors. Camelot excels in the acting, the costume and decor side of the production. However the serious actors, especially Richard Harris and Vanessa Redgrave, frequently sound ill at ease with the lighter touch of the T.H. White's dialogue from The Once and Only King. The result is that the musical frequently seems ponderous. The music and the songs are a delight. There are many comic touches. The film is also quite spectacular. However, it does not seem to add up to fully satisfying entertainment.

1. What was the overall impact of this film? Its entertainment as a musical, the music, the songs, pageantry, costumes, sets, plot and themes?

2. How adequate was the treatment of the themes in the musical? Was this an adult musical? What expectations of musicals do audiences have? Were they verified in this film?

3. The use of Richard Harris and Vanessa Redgrave instead of musical stars? Did this enhance the film or not? The quality of the singing and the drama?

4. What was the main ideal of Camelot itself? The discussion of the ideal? Arthur's discussion of it at the end and its incorporation into the song at the end? The value of memory and of visions? The Arthurian legend and people's response to this? The bright side of the Arthurian legend? The songs about Camelot, the lusty month of May, the simple folk in Camelot etc.? How well did the film communicate the ideal of Camelot and its peace and prosperity?

5. How sad was the film? The pervading sadness, the flashback of Arthur's memory, the memories of Guinevere, the wondering where things went wrong, the contrast of dreams and reality, Arthur's inability to take a stand and the consequences of his weaknesses, the excusing of evil and yet the evil pervading the kingdom? The theme of evil versus good in Camelot? The sad songs - If Ever I Should Leave You, Lancelot and Guinevere's parting etc.? Arthur's reminiscences?

6. What was the meaning of good and evil in the film? How did each character illustrate both? The complexities of being good and evil? Good and its downfall at the hand of evil?

7. How attractive a character was Arthur? As portrayed by Richard Harris? The mature Arthur remembering, the young Arthur and Merlin, the education by Merlin, his inability to accept himself as king, his fatherhood of Mordred, his shyness with Guinevere, the marriage and their dream, the ambitions for Camelot and peace and the knights of the Round table? The hopes in Lancelot? His not taking a stance on Lancelot and Guinevere, his allowing the disruption, his not taking the advice of Pellinore, the threats by Mordred and his response, his reliance on civil law, the violence in the kingdom and death?

9. How good was Vanessa Redgrave's portrayal of Guinevere? The initial meeting her in the snow? The forced marriage, her liking Arthur, the domesticity of their early life, the farm work, her not knowing herself, the opposition to Lancelot, and then the fascination, why did she deceive Arthur, why did she love Lancelot, the flashbacks during the song If Ever I Should Leave You as illustrating her relationship with Lancelot, the attempted reconciliation with Arthur, the trial and her execution, the value of her repentance?

9. How attractive was Lancelot? His self-opinionated approach, the song C'est Moi, his dreams of the Round Table and the kingdom, his challenging of Arthur, his praise of his goodness, his excess in the tournament, the angelic corrupted by passion, his demeaning himself in lies and deceit? His songs? The relationship to Guinevere and the regret for Arthur? His fighting the knights and causing disruption, his escape, the irony of his career in Camelot? His responsibility for so much of the downfall of the dream?

10. What was the purpose of the character of Mordred? The modern approach, the purple leather? The ambitions, challenging Arthur, rebellion, disrupting the knights etc.? Mordred as evil?

11. The comedy of Pellinore? His song? His role in the kingdom as advising Arthur? Risking opinion yet going back?

12. How magical was Merlin? His role in memory? His function in Camelot? Influence on Arthur? Inspiring the truth by getting Arthur to imagine he was flying or swimming etc.?

13. The role of the ordinary people in the film: in peace, their farms, loyalty, supporting the peace, involved in the wars, their reaction to Guinevere's death - the song about Guinevere and expecting her rescue?

14. The symbol in the young boy at the final battle and his being knighted? The young man going off to tell the legend and inspire a later generation?

15. What were the major themes of the film? Were they well explored and integrated with the musical emphasis?

16. How attractive was the music? How enjoyable the songs? How much did they contribute to the plot? Was this a good musical?