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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

Call Me Madam


UK, 1953, 117 minutes, Colour. 20th.
Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Vera- Ellen, George Sanders, Billy De Wolfe.
Directed by Walter Lang.

Call Me Madam was one of Irving Berlin's most popular musicals. Others include Alexander's Ragtime Band, Blue Skies, Annie Get Your Gun. The film is a vehicle for Ethel Merman with he particularly loud and brassy style. It works well here for this very American ambassadress. Donald O'Connor and Vera-Ellen? are good as singing and dancing partners. George Sanders handles a rather stiff musical comedy role with dignity and enjoyment. The film is set the post-World War II period under Harry Truman - and there are references to his daughter Margaret's musical career. The real-life Sally Adams was Mrs Pearl Mesta. An exuberant and tuneful musical and directed by Walter Lang, who directed so many musicals at 20th Century Fox.

1. The tradition of American musical comedies, style, appeal, conventions? Their continued popularity?

2. The film as an Ethel Merman vehicle? Her style and popularity? The other stars? The popularity of Irving Berlin over so many decades, lyrics and melodies? A singing musical, a dance musical?

3. The satiric comment in the date of 1951 and the two mythical countries? The American view of fading European aristocracy and their post-World War II needs? The mythical United States with its handouts? The story as a reflection of the Truman era? The film's comments on American generosity and loans? Satire?

4. Ethel Merman's personality, brash style as Sally Adams? A portrait larger than life? Her being very American, Oklahoma background and oil, not a snob, enjoying her opulent style, jovial with her parties? Becoming an ambassador, links with Harry Truman, the interview, the newsreel footage, her behaviour at the parties? A very American character?

5. The background of protocol, American ambassadors, the book of rules, the need for diplomacy? The innocent American abroad in Europe? Her mistakes? Maxwell and his being ever on guard, a traditional family and his critical attitude towards her?

6. Lichtenberg and its beauty, poor aristocracy, royal marriages, needs for loans, its old-world diplomacy and manners, Count Cosmo and his presence and the contrast with the rest of the Council? The ministers? The way of life, the modern shops and American songs, the protocol and Grand Balls, secret passages etc.? The fairytale aspects of Europe popular with the Americans?

7. Sally and Cosmo falling in love? As expressed through the songs, Sally's reaction to his kissing her hand, their various meetings? Maxwell poisoning her against him? Her wanting to help and making mistakes about his techniques for the loans? Cosmo and his Prime Ministership, resignation? Sally and her treatment of Maxwell, slap-happy attitude with the monarch, teaching them all the International Rag, helping Ken and his romance, her recall? The party when she returned and the happy ending and the reuniting? Fairy tale ingredients American style?

8. Ken and his job, interviews, ingratiating himself with Sally, helping her, falling in love with the Princess, the sadness of the impossible marriage, their meetings? His drinking and the comedy dance when he was drunk? The Princess and her place in State, the arranged marriage, her fiance's suspicions especially at the ball, the shop encounter, the secret passage, her forfeiting the throne? The happy ending?

9. The comic portrait of the ministers, of the Count and his wife, Maxwell and protocol, the happy and drinking and touring American Senators?

10. Pleasant entertainment, fairy tale ingredients American style, political satire?