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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

John Carter


US, 2012, 132 minutes, Colour.
Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Morton, Willem Dafoe, Thomas Haden Church, Mark Strong, Ciaran Hinds, Dominic West, James Purefoy, Bryan Cranston, Polly Walker, Daryl Sabara.
Directed by Andrew Stanton.

Andrew Stanton won Oscars for his animation classics, Finding Nemo and Wall-E. He won’t be up for many awards for John Carter.

The film has good intentions and an even bigger budget and is in 3D. However, while one would like it to be better, it is rather cumbersome in its storytelling. A pity, because many audiences will enjoy it, but could have enjoyed it more.

It is very much in the Star Wars tradition with its alien planet, its strange special effects characters and creatures, an action hero, and a lively princess, plenty of flying machines and battles.

The film is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ story, A Princess on Mars, one of many stories he wrote (while not writing his Tarzan stories) about imaginary life on Mars. It opens in the Star Wars’ vein with futuristic-looking cities, space ship style planes for wars between rival cities, and the introduction of a power-hungry ruler (Dominic West) and the Therms, the elusive rulers of the universe, malicious beings who control power, set up rulers and then watch how populations clash and destroy themselves and their planets. Mark Strong (who seems to be in every other film) is the dignified but deadly chief Therm.

Then we are in New York City, 1881, rainy and dingy, while John Carter eludes a pursuer. Soon we are at his country estate with his nephew, Edgar Rice Burroughs, discovering his uncle is dead and reading a manuscript he bequeathed him. This manuscript sends Edgar and us back to 1868 and the American west where former confederate cavalryman, John Carter, is not popular with northerners as he searches for gold. Escaping from Apaches, he finds a cave, a dying man and a medallion by which, when a formula is spoken, he is whisked to Mars.

The adventures on Mars involve his discovery by a community of creatures, The Tharks, his meeting the princess and helping her escape to home where she is to be married off to the power hungry ruler to save her city. Before she can be saved, John Carter has to endure a fight with giant white apes in the arena, defeat the usurping leader and rouse the Tharks to rescue the princess and her city.

So, plenty of adventure, plenty of effects and stunts, a solid British supporting cast, including Ciaran Hinds and James Purefoy and Willem Dafoe, Thomas Haden Church and Samantha Morton voicing the Thark characters. Taylor Kitsch, looking a bit Heath Ledgerish (though not moving towards Oscar nominations) is the American hero who comes in and, with some help, still shows how American heroes can come in and save the day, even on Mars.
1. A space extravaganza? Imagination, fantasy, adventure?

2. The production: the US in the 19th century, New York City, Arizona? Mars? The images of the planet? The futuristic cities? Action: air battles, John Carter’s ability to leap, the city, the gladiator combat, the finale? The CGI and the creatures?

3. The 3D and its effect? The musical score and atmosphere?

4. The writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs, his Tarzan stories, Martian stories, his imagination? His becoming a character in the film?

5. The blend of Mars and futuristic battles with the 19th century American West and New York?

6. The introduction to Mars: the look of the cities, Sab Than and the warrior, his contact with the Therms, with Matai Shang? The Threefold Rulers and their appearance? Their control, transferring of power – and the artificial arm for Sab Than?

7. The contrast with New York, 1881, the dingy rainy day, the streets, John Carter and his being followed, his eluding his pursuer with the kiss in the shop entry, his home the news of his death, Edgar Rice Burroughs as his nephew, the background of Carter telling Edgar stories in the past? The lawyers and the doctors? The explanation of the tomb, able to be opened only from within? The mystery, Edgar reading the manuscript? The end, realising the letters NED were important, opening the tomb, John Carter with the gun, the Therm in disguise and Carter shooting him, his getting the medallion back, his being able to leave again for Mars?

8. The American West after the Civil War, John Carter and his loyalty to the South, Virginia, discovering the gold, the cavalry officer and the confrontation, the interrogation, John’s continued attempts to escape, the fights? His taking the officer’s horse? The confrontation with the Indians, the rescue of the cavalry leader? The cave, the gold, the signs from Mars, the medallion, the dying man, saying the words and the transferral to Mars?

9. Mars and its landscapes, the plains, the mountains, John and his ability to leap, the confrontation with the Tharks, their curiosity about his ability to leap, communicating with them? The drink, his understanding their speech? The hatching of the babies, the babies’ growth, being allotted in the community?

10. The rivalry between the two leaders of the Tharks, the good and the bad, the clashes? Sola and her role? Her being the daughter of the leader? John and his leaping out of the dungeon, the large pet and its leaping with him?

11. Helium, the kingdom, the ruler, his assistant, Princess Dejah and her science, her discovery of the ray, the demonstration, the spy foiling it? The attack of the enemy? Her father wanting her to marry Sab Than? Her fleeing the kingdom?

12. The character of the princess, a strong woman, her escape, the Tharks and their response, her connection with John Carter, their escape and going to the river, her taking him to Helium?

13. Sab Than, the villain, power? The planes, the attack, his blue arm? His consenting to the marriage – and the formalities of the marriage ceremony?

14. Matai Shang, his appearance, living forever, the control over the universe, the ray, giving the power to Sab Than? Expectations that planets and their populations would rise up, dispute, collapse? His wanting the princess killed? His capture of John Carter, the discussions about Virginia, about ruling the world, eternity, human nature? His ability with disguises, the range of disguises accompanying John Carter at the ceremony? Having the medallion?

15. Kantos Kan and his visit, telling John Carter to take him hostage, forcing him, the leap and the escape?

16. Going back to the Tharks, the good ruler overcome and imprisoned with Sola? The leader, taking John Carter and the others to the arena? The fights, the white apes? In the arena, the fights, the destruction – and John Carter winning? Beheading the bad leader? The speech rousing the Tharks to go to battle – but their being unwilling to fly? The split-second timing of their arrival to rescue himself and the princess? To stop the wedding?

17. John Carter, flying the plane, infiltrating the wedding? The wedding ceremony itself, the role of the princess, the words of consent?

18. The marriage night, Carter on the balcony, Matai Shang and his transferring John back to Earth? The bones of the dead cavalry officer? The years passing, John Carter’s room, his searching all over the world, to the Orkney Islands? His plan, getting the Therm to follow him, to shoot the Therm and get the medallion? Relying on Edgar Rice Burroughs, getting him to read the story, using his code NED to open the tomb, and his ability to fulfil his plan? Wishing Edgar well – encouraging his literary career? The return to Mars and to the princess?

19. An American story – where the American hero, almost alone, saves the people of Mars?