US, 1980, 97 minutes, Colour.
Shirley Mac Laine, Anthony Hopkins, Bo Derek, Michael Brandon, Mary Beth Hurt.
Directed by Richard Lang.
A Change of Seasons was one of several films about men's middle-age crises - 10, Loving Couples (also with Shirley MacLaine).It was one of the better and more successful films of its kind. Its portrait of affluent Middle America, crises in marriage, the exposure of tensions and hypocrisies is very much a western phenomenon - American style. Anthony Hopkins gives a mannered performance as the university lecturer. Shirley MacLaine? (anticipating her Oscar-winning role in Terms of Endearment) is a warm if somewhat repressed wife and mother. Bo Derek has a chance to be seductive - especially in the opening fantasy sequence - and also has a chance to act. Mary Beth Hurt portrays the complexity of the up and coming generation. The film is attractively photographed mixes seriousness with farce. Direction is by Richard Lang (The Mountain Men).
1. The tradition of the romantic and screwball comedy? The battle of the sexes? The traditional light touch? The more serious undertones in the '70s and '80s? Points made with farcical touch?
2. The film as a piece of Americana: Middle America, affluent and educated America? Americans having the leisure and time for neuroses? Moral issues and stances? Traditions, respectability? Farce, marriage games, musical chairs - the French image of the merry-go-round, La Ronde? The older generation and its repression? The younger generation mixed up? Themes-of right and wrong? The '60s and commitment? The transition to the '80s? A less than edifying picture of American society and morals? Where did audience sympathies lie? The background of university, homes, holiday homes, hotels? Audiences being able to identify with the characters and their situations? Musical score? Songs and lyrics and insertion into the film? The title and the visual representation of age, change, the year's seasons, the passing of time? The perspective on growing older? The psychological insight of the film? The contemporary interest in mid-life crisis? How well dramatised, entertaining? A parable about middle age? Credibility? Validity of points made?
6. The portrait of middle age, the perspective? The adolescents and young adults of the '50s and '60s moving to the '70s and '80s? The hold of tradition, expectations, structures? The removal of supports? Surface respectability being removed? What is the measure of community standards, normality? Changes and lack of hypocrisy? The differences between saying and doing? The effect on the next generation?
7. Themes of the battle of the sexes? The clash of middle-aged husband and wife? The different perspectives and expectations? Women more bound by traditions? Men having greater freedom? Feminist attitudes, Women's Liberation? Openness? The masculine fantasies - and Bo Derek as a symbol of this? The opening credits fantasy? Style and dreams? Middle-aged men and the desire for younger woman, seducing their students? Wanting to be accepted, thinking themselves still attractive to the young? The effect on the younger women? Women in middle age and attractiveness to men? The repressed wives and their lack of social development, educational opportunities? Adam and his attitudes towards his own behaviour, standards, expectations of Karen? His being able to deceive her? His reaction to her behaviour - projection because of its mirroring his? Karen and her reaction to being deceived, over-reaction? Feeling freer? Steve and his behaviour and talk, double standards? Casey and her reaction, condemnation? Her own open lifestyle, Paulie and their both wanting some kind of commitment and permanence? Farcical and serious explorations of this battle?
8. The presentation of surfaces: lifestyle, marriage of 20 years? Adam and his work, his pretensions, age? Preoccupation with death - a greater reality? His permissiveness towards himself? His lack of regard for his wife and his deceiving her? The distance between the two? The need for reassurance? Blasé attitudes? Respectability being disrupted by Karen's behaviour, Adam's reaction to Peter? The move to easy accommodation of both couples? The holiday together? The effect on Lindsay, on Peter? Casey's reaction on coming to the holiday house? The crisis encouraged by Casey? Adam and his reaction to Lindsay, her going off, his pursuing her? His reaction to her father? Karen and her reaction, fidelity being disrupted, her past busyness and shock? The encounter with Peter, sexual liaison, her laughter, revenge? Her going on holidays? The husband and wife handling the situation in the house? Their comments on Casey and Paulie? Steve and his talk, arrival, assessment of the situation? The end and Karen's decision to go back to dine with Steve?
9. Bo Derek and her style, fantasy image, reality? Sexuality and seduction? The sophisticated young student? Attraction towards the older man, affair? Her desire for permanence.- even marriage? Her avoiding Karen? Her being invited to the holiday, her reaction, reaction to Casey, reaction to her father? The possibility of a bond with Adam? Adam seeking out Karen at the restaurant -Lindsay's eyes being opened, her being hurt, leaving?
10. The comparisons with Peter - his easy style, work, casual relationships? Laughter? Entering into the spirit of the holiday? Reaction to Casey, to Steve? His emotional response to the carry-on? His telling his own personal story to Casey and her sympathy? His sensitivity, the sequence of his leaving - and the bond with Karen? An affirming personality?
11. Steve and the parallel with Adam? His reaction to Lindsay, shock, the talk with Karen and understanding the situation? His explanations for the reaction of the middle-aged man, death, attractiveness etc.?
12. Casey and her self-preoccupation, reaction to the situation, bombastic, curt, condemnatory? Shock - quietening down and sorting things out? Walk and talk with her mother, sympathy for her? Sharing her experiences? Listening to Peter? Her love for Paulie, his arrival, commitment?
13. The continued articulation of the events and the relationships - the flip and slightly prurient tone? Making points?
14. The tone of the film with Lindsay leaving, her comment on Adam using her as a fling? Her life? Adam left alone? Karen and her decision to leave him?
15. An adequate entertainment dramatising contemporary confusions and questions?