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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

Criss Cross


US, 1992, 100 minutes, Colour.
Goldie Hawn, Arliss Howard, James Gammon, Keith Carradine, Steve Buscemi.
Directed by Chris Menges.

Criss Cross was produced by Goldie Hawn. While she has the starring role, David Arnott, 12-year-old actor, as her son has the central role and focuses the film.

The setting is 1969 in Florida, the moon landing is about to happen. This is the setting for a memoir about American families, divorce and break-up, the effects of the Vietnam War, the difficulty of a single parent earning enough money for her son and supervising him. He does jobs around the town and becomes involved in drug dealing. There are undercover agents trying to break up drug rings.

While the film is serious, it has a lighter tone. David Arnott has voice-over commentary on his experiences as a boy of 12, his relationship with his mother, fighting with her, her jobs and deciding to do stripping in a local club. He yearns for his father, a former ace pilot who has been affected by the war, taken a vow of silence, separated from the family and lives in a monastery in Miami. This part is played by Keith Carradine.

The material is that of a telemovie - but it is quite interesting material for people looking at family life and relationships. It was directed by the British cinematographer (The Mission) Chris Menges, who also directed the interesting South African drama, A World Apart.

1. The O.C.I.C. American family, difficult times, coping and not coping in the '60s - and the aftermath from the perspective of the '90s?

2. The re-creation of the '60s, Florida, the background of the Vietnam War, working in diners, strip clubs? Drug dealing and boats?

3. The atmosphere and its authenticity, the musical score and the use of songs of the period?

4. The background of the moon landing, an image of American enterprise - at the time when the war and family break-up were damaging the American people?

5. The title, the life of the family, Chris's name?

6. Chris at the centre of the film, the talent of the actor, holding the film together, his voice-over commentary on his experience? Age, bike-riding, on the job? The story of his father, Vietnam, the return, his drinking, silence, leaving? Missing his father, hopes for a reunion? His decision to visit him in the monastery, the awkwardness, sharing discussion, working in the garden with him? His clashes with his mother? The accommodation, poor? Not liking school? The various jobs, his girlfriend and liking her, the outings with her, sexual experimentation? The group of friends - and his being the boss? Playing together, clashing? The various jobs, the boat and the fishermen? The arrival of Joe, his wariness, becoming more friendly? Overhearing the strippers and going to see his mother at work, his disappointment? Her telling him the truth and his clashing? Discovering the drugs, deciding to deal? His making money and offering it to his mother? The final set-up, Joe going on the boat, the dangers and the agents, the dealers and their arrest? Going to the police with his mother, his commentary on what he had done, probation? The wise friends about the diner and his talking things over with them? Learning, his reflection on this period of his life? His future?

7. Tracey, Goldie Hawn's screen style and presence? The experience of marriage, her husband in Vietnam, silence, drinking, leaving? The divorce? Forever tired, hard work, at the diner, her decision to strip and her embarrassment, explaining it to her son? Snapping at him and fighting? Joe's arrival, the attraction, the relationship? Her going to get Chris from the monastery, confronting her husband? Not knowing that Chris was drug-dealing, her anxiety, her antagonism towards Joe at the end? The future with her son?

8. The brief portrait of Chris's father, the story told verbally, going to Miami and remembering him as a pilot? Seeing him in the monastery, the visit, his work, sharing his work, talking things over, warmth and affection, his mother coming to take him away?

9. The drug dealers and their use, being stoned, running the restaurant? The contact with the drugs on the ship?

10. Chris and his friends at the diner, the chats, advice?

11. Joe, mysterious past, relationship with Tracey? Friendship with Chris and Chris warming to him? Going on the boat, the agents and the bust?

12. A portrait of different times, difficult times, parents and relationships? The war, the moon walk, memories of the '60s?