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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26



US, 1989, 94 minutes, Colour.
William Katt, Catherine Oxenberg, Nia Peeples, Cyd Charisse
Directed by Chris Thomson.

Swimsuit is a Dream Factory telemovie about the Dream Factory itself, focusing on a search for models, their training, the filming of a commercial and their ultimate contracts, the film has the style of a television commercial. It is the popular American dream and fantasy for the widest possible audience.

William Katt appears as an advertising agent and director who selects the models, works them hard and films a commercial. Cyd Charisse appears in some sequences as the designer of the swimsuits being modelled. The models are led by Catherine Oxenburg. There is the usual group, though the film tends to focus on three of the six models and their romantic and career ups and downs. It is the expected type of material - tantalisingly done. with the beautiful people as well as moralisingly done with the outcome.

1. Popular Sunday Night at the Movies entertainment? Human drama? Values issues?

2. The title of the film and the beautiful people? Age, physical beauty and attractiveness? The photography emphasisitig4~this? Costumes and design? Californian and Los Angeles locations, beaches, the Queen Mary? Hawaiian
locations? Editing and pace for the photographing of the models?

3. The credibility of the plot and the characters? Californian situations? Motivation?

4. Brian and his work, his relationship with Mrs Allison? Her design, running the film, decisions about contracts? The character of Mrs. Allison? Brian doing her work, with Willard? The seeking out of the models on location? His impersonal attitude? Exasperations? Timing, exercising, filming, wanting to fire, the soft touch? His concern about Maria and getting her the part?

5. The models themselves and their backgrounds, their hopes, work, mistakes? The two men: the reader who played tennis, gay, helping the Hungarian girl with her designs, getting the contract? The other beefcake model, his lack of conversation, surfing? beefcake?

6. The girls: the Hungarian girl, her accent, her ambitions, not getting the job but going back to Hungary to become-a swimsuit designer and capitalist? Maria and her reluctance, actress, in training, always late, her skills, her acting sequence, getting the job but able to go to the film? Jade and her name, spoilt brat, her Porsche and its repossession, her extravagance, casual relationships, missing out on obligations, her companionship with Rosie, helping her, the attraction towards Willard, throwing herself at him, his
rejection of her, learning her lesson, admitting that she was fat, the pressure of her mother and the family break-up, her change of heart when not getting the job, relationship with Willard? ~And getting the job?

7. Rosie and her work in the diner, inept, hoping for a modelling job, leaving her mother? Chris and his friendship and training her, his jealousy and disappointment? His hopes for the props shop? With Jade, going to the nightclub, the encounter with Hart, his lavishing gifts on her, educating
her, books to read, telling her what to do and wear? The engagement? Her being infatuated, in love, the hopes? Glamour and style? Inept at her jobs, training, rehearsing? Her decision to stand on her own feet? Her doing the water-skiing, success? Her friendship with Chris and giving him the cheque?

8. The picture of success, the Hollywood dream, the glamorous world of modelling, hard work? Characters, motivations?