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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

Lord of the Rings, The: Return of the King


New Zealand, 2003, 201 minutes, Colour
Elijah Wood, Ian Mc Kellen, Vigo Mortensen, Sean Astin, Andy Serkis, Bernard Hill, Miranda Otto, Liv Tyler, Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monahan, Orlando Bloom, Karl Urban, David Wenham, Sean Bean, Ian Holm, John Rhys Davies, John Noble, Martin Csokas.
Directed by Peter Jackson.

Whatever one's views on the trilogy, it must be said at the outset that Peter Jackson's achievement in bringing Tolkein's epic to the screen is unique, an extraordinary part of cinema history. Not only did he adapt and co-write the novel, he produced, directed and co-ordinated spectacular special effects. And he did it all in New Zealand.

The faith that the producers had in him that they allowed him to make all three films at once has been justified. The success of the first two films also provided financial leeway for him to fine tune and re-shoot so that the third episode would be just as he wanted. He was able to work with a large cast of international actors to create Tolkein's characters acceptable to the vast readership of the novels. In keeping to the threefold structure of Tolkein's work and incorporating most of the key elements, he has satisfied most of the purists, encouraged a new and young readership to open the trilogy and made fantasy more than respectable.

The first two films were honoured with technical Oscars. While the films were nominated for Best Film awards, they did not win. Whether the trilogy wins awards or not, the complete work deserves honours.

The Return of the King is filmed with light, even brightness, compared with The Two Towers. It still has its dark side as Frodo and Sam are led and misled by Golum in Mordor. In fact, the episode with Frodo and the spider in the cave as frightening as an arachnophobic monster film. The battles, too, are impressive, not only the flying creatures taking up soldiers in their mouths and tossing them around, but the mammoths and their relentlessly heavy tread as they advance (the sound engineering making them truly alarming).

With three basic plot stories intercutting, The Return of the King is easier to get hold of: Frodo completing his mission, Gandalf urging Rohan to war, Aragorn and the king riding to do battle with Sauron's troops. Another advantage of this film is that all of the characters have the opportunity to have a specific dramatic sequence that stamps their presence in the film and in the minds and feelings of the audience. It is interesting that the film opens with Gollum in his human form (Andy Serkis) dramatising his evil choices and his transformation into the split personality villain. The character who comes into his own in this film is Sam, played with solid loyalty and friendship by Sean Astin.

Tolkein coined the work 'eucatastrophe'. It means a disaster which is played out in all its tragic aspects but which leads to a good outcome. It is the equivalent of the 'happy fault' of Adam that led to the incarnation, of the passion and death of Jesus that led to resurrection. The battle between good and evil on the large scale in the trilogy, the struggle in Gollum which fails, the struggle in Frodo which succeeds are part of this experience of eucatastrophe. After the battles and the restoration of the king, as in Shakespeare's plays, there is the return of social order. Frodo goes on to another land, a hero. But Sam and the Hobbits stay in the shire where all is well.

1. The impact of this third film? The continuity with the other films? The end of the quest? The restoration of peace?

2. The Oscars and the achievement? The photography, the music, the computer graphic effects? The imagination of the Middle Earth, the kingdoms, the warriors, the fights? Action sequences? The musical score?

3. The completion of the trilogy, the gathering together of all the strands? The intricacy of the plot? The development of the characters? The nature of the visuals? The themes, the struggle between good and evil, the destruction of the ring, the personal temptations for power? Good overcoming evil?

4. The history of the rings, Sauron, Suriman? The various kingdoms? The mission for Frodo and Sam? The temptations from Gollum?

5. The characters of Frodo and Sam, at this stage of their travels, the dangers, the mountains, the spider and Frodo being in the web? The hallucinations, the dark side of Frodo – even the temptation to keep the ring, the caves, the cliffs, the atmosphere of Mordor? Rugged? The ring and the tests? Sam, his friendship and loyalty? Its being tested? His being hurt? Saving Frodo and freeing him, the fight with his tormentors? The final trip, Frodo thinking the ring was lost, Sam restoring it? Going to the cliff, to the fire, the temptation, Frodo and his putting the ring on his finger, losing his finger? The struggle with Gollum? His falling over the cliff, trying to climb back, Sam reassuring him, taking his hand, their fleeing to safety?

6. Gollum, the opening of the film with his history, the ring, killing his friend, the transformation into Gollum? His accompanying the Hobbits? The visuals of Gollum, the performance capture, his voice? His plotting? Sly? Leading the two into dangers? The clash with Sam? His motivations for power, his coming to the cliff at the end, taking back the ring, falling into the fire?

7. The portrait of the kingdoms, the alliances? Suriman and his almost conquering them all? The role of Theoden and his kingdom in this part of the trilogy? His niece and her becoming a warrior? His support of Aragorn? The presence of Gandalf and his advice? The contrast with Denethor, his grief at his son’s death, his despising of his surviving son? His interaction with the Hobbits? His building up the fire, the determination to burn his son? Pippin and his rescue? Denethor and his regrets, throwing himself on the fire? His being consumed?

8. The role of Gandalf, his appearance, his strong presence? His advice, his support of Aragorn? His support of the Hobbits? Having trust in Frodo to complete his mission? His discussions with Pippin – and reassuring him about life after the battles? His participation in the battles, the restoration, his being on the flying creature and rescuing Frodo and Sam? His crowning Aragorn? The resolution and restoration? The finale and his leaving Elrond, Galadrial and Eomer? Their taking Frodo with them?

9. Galadrial, her reappearance, her assurance – and her appearance at the end, announcing the New Age? The parallels with visualising her as angelic, as like the Virgin Mary?

10. Aywon and her role, as a daughter, love, her marriage, travelling – and being reunited with Aragorn?

11. The Hobbits, Pippin and Merry, their place, the tests, their failing to be warriors, yet determined to fight? Merry and his almost being killed, rescued by Pippin? Pippin and his heroics, especially with Denethor? With Gandalf?

12. The Orks, the villains? The introduction of the army of ghosts, Aragorn and his pledge to them? The visualising of the battles – the extensive battle sequences? The grandeur, the majesty, the masses of warriors?

13. Legolas, his heroics, with the Elephet? His presence at the end? Gimley, his size, his remarks, love of danger, his decision to support Aragorn as they went to distract the Eye of Sauron and give Frodo an opportunity to complete his mission? His vigour in the battles?

14. The fire and the Eye of Sauron? The distraction by the armies? The battles? The Orks – the army of ghosts and their conquering, Aragorn pledging his word and their disappearing? The eye being destroyed, the collapse of the tower, the lava flow? The ring in the lava and its disappearance? The armies of Sauron collapsing when the tower collapsed?

15. The scene of the coronation, the courtiers, Aragorn and his humility, his meeting Aywon and his love for her? Peace? Eowin, her becoming a warrior, her confrontation with the monstrous soldier, his declaration that no man could kill him – and her revelation of who she was?

16. The four Hobbits and their being acclaimed by Aragorn and the kingdom? People bowing down, the applause?

17. Frodo and his being in the sickbed, everybody coming to greet him, the reconciliation with Sam?

18. The return to the shire, the time passing, Frodo and his comments – and his later writing the account of the adventures? People welcoming them back? Sam, his marrying, having a family? Bilbo and his reappearance, old, wishing that he had a chance once more to have the ring? His going away with Gandalf and the others? The farewell with Merry, Pippin and Sam to Frodo?

19. The simple ending, Sam and his wife and children going home, closing the door? The adventure and the achievement over?

20. Peter Jackson and his writers in adapting Tolkein? The technical background to the making of the film? The special effects? A visual version of Tolkein?