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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:25

Sunday Drive


US, 1986, 100 minutes, Colour.
Ted Wass, Carrie Fisher, Tony Randall, Audra Lindley.
Directed by Mark Cullingham.

Sunday Drive is a pleasant Disney family film. It works on the pleasant assumption of mistaken cars and variations on the mistaken identity theme. While the material is predictable, it unfolds amusingly. Ted Wass and Carrie Fisher find themselves with two young children. Tony Randall and Audra Lindley find themselves with a dog. There are all kinds of mix-ups, accidents, timetables, arrests.

Undemanding, but enjoyable.

1. Enjoyable Disney family film? Children? Adults? Mistaken cars? Mix-ups? Climaxes and happy resolutions?

2. California locations, San Francisco, Los Angeles, the West Coast?

3. The title and its irony? The enjoyable Sunday drive for the Franklins and their nephew and niece? Paul and his desperation? Franny and her needing to get to the ship?

4. The focus on Uncle Bill and Aunty Joan and the two children? Bill and his military background, precision? Joan and her expertise on writing books about children? Their handling of the children, the contrasts in discipline, the outings, the meals? The getting into the wrong car? Bill's fault? The discovery of the dog, the hold-up by the police, Bill's reaction, his being imprisoned? His making friends with the dog, formerly not liking pets? Joan's visits? The return of the patents? The resolution and Bill wanting the dog?

5. The children - their parents, Christine and her imagination, John Elliott and his wanting to eat, go to the bathroom? The Sunday drive, impact of their uncle and aunt? Waking up with Paul and Franny, the adventures together, Christine and her cassette recorder and her inventing the story? In the hotel for the night? On the road, the mix-ups? The happy resolution? Christine finally making up a story?

6. Paul and his relationship with Susan, the arrangement for the interview, his needing to get to San Francisco? Her demanding phone calls? The baby talk? The clash with Franny, picking her up on the road? Her thinking he was a kidnapper? Trying to deal with the children, the rockslide, the back roads, the hotel? His appreciating Franny? Susan and her demands? His discovering he was wanted as a kidnapper? Uncle Bill's clothes, going to the interview, making a good impression, giving up the job? Franny and the kids coming in? The police? His decision to be with Franny on the boat?

7. Franny and her car breaking down, clash with Paul, the lift, worry about the children, caring for them, telling them about Australia and her plans to go there? Needing to get to the boat? Paul turning up on the boat?

8. Minor characters: Susan and her demands, her father and the board meeting, the members of the board, the police and their harassment? The hotel manager - and the toss of the coin?

9. Audience response to the dog, Bill's response to the dog, in prison, teaching it tricks?

10. Popular ingredients for the family?