US, 1977, 100 minutes, Colour.
Bruce Davison, Jose Perez.
Directed by Robert M. Young.
Short Eyes is a strong film about life in prison, characters -in prison and the effect of prison society on them, brutality. It is based on the play by Miguel Pinheiro (who adapted his play for the screen and takes a small supporting role).
The action takes place solely within the prison, much of the action being filmed literally behind literal bars. There is a range of prisoners, some of the expected stereotypes, others breaking through, especially in violence. The film presents racism, within the prisons, codes of violence and revenge.
Into this society comes a man accused of being a child molester. Played by Bruce Davison, he is white, better-dressed, better-spoken, out of place. He has a strong confession scene to one of the inmates - but is set upon by the group and killed for the wrong reasons. (Although there is a kind of poetic justice in the severe brutality.)
Musician Curtis Mayfield appears, sings and composed songs for the musical score. Direction is by Robert M. Young, a director of a variety of offbeat films which range from The Ballad of Gregorio Cortes to Extremities.
Benjamin Bratt gave an excellent performance as Pinheiro in the film of that name, 2001.
1. The impact of this prison film? Life in prison? The system? Prisoners?
2. The screenplay based on a stage play, the cinematic version? Strength of dialogue, characters? Confining the action to the prison? Filming the action through bars? The songs and Curtis Mayfield's contribution? Musical score?
3. Audience presuppositions about prisons, the administration of prisons, punishment, crimes, justice, the prison authorities?
4. The introduction to the film: the audience and the camera entering the prison, the bars, the physical atmosphere, the cells, corridors? The recreation centre, places for meals, the shower block? Privacy? Lack of privacy?
5. Racial issues within the prison: the divisions according to race, blacks, Hispanics, a minority of 1,~ihite Americans? Prejudices, power, violence, deals, sexual interaction, drugs? Codes, bonds, between the groups?
6. The episodes typifying life in prison: in the recreation centre, the groupings, the games? The meals? The shower block, and the accosting of Julio? The prisoners being moved out and going to Sing Sing? The cockroach races and the betting? The singing unifying the groups?
7. Clark Davis as a focus within this atmosphere? White, blond, his suit, alone, better-spoken? The warden's despising him? Murphy Initially befriending him, telling him the code, listening, discovering the accusation and spitting at him? Davis as isolated, blamed, the build-up against him, of the group, the decisions, the brutal taking of him, tormenting him, the decision to slash his throat? The pathos of his death? The motives of the group, the manner of the killing, the collaboration, the official decision of suicide, the speech of the warden, talking about the family, the cover up?
8. Davis's character: married, child, not sure about what he was accused of? Feeling isolated, alone? on the fringe of the group in the recreation centre? People spitting at him, tormenting him, speaking about the meeting with Juan? The long monologue of his confession, his understanding of himself, his memories of his sister's child-friend, the little girl in the apartment block, the vivid verbal detail of his attitudes towards them, the repercussions on himself, molesting them? his fears, not wanting to go to an asylum? Saying he knew what was right and wrong? The need to go to a psychiatrist, promising? his weeping and desperation? Juan's reaction? The breakdown? The irony of his being mistaken in the line-up, not guilty of what he was imprisoned for - and yet his being a child molester?
9. Juan, his position in the prison, work, racial background, relating to the others? Why did he listen to Davis? His reactions, against Davis, desperate? Burdened? His advice? His reaction to the rest of the prisoners, keeping some order? keeping some order? The conspiracy to kill Davis and his stand?
10. The group and their conspiring to kill Davis? Murphy and his place within the prison, his nickname, tough, violent? His persuading the others to kill Davis? his actually doing it? The aftermath and the cover-up?
11. Julio, young, Hispanic, object of sexual attention, his being called to the conspiracy, his ambiguous attitude towards Davis's death? Juan helping him? The transfer?
12. The black prisoners, Omar, his wanting to get out, venereal disease, in the group? The group and their interactions, manner of speaking, code? and his black consciousness and conscience? The black music? The readers?
13. The Hispanics: their grouping together, Paco and his violence, sexual molesting, of Julio, violence in the killing of Davis?
14. The sketch of the wardens, their attitudes towards the prisoners, law and order, the administration, moving the men in and out of the cells, the line-ups, searches, the humiliations? The warden and his hostility towards Davis?
15. The overall impact of the film? The portrayal of characters? Insight into crime and prisoners? Prison life?