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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:25

Shell Seekers, The


US, 1989, 102 minutes, Colour.
Angela Lansbury, Patricia Hodge, Sam Wanamaker, Sophie Ward, Dennis Quilley, Irene Worth, Michael Gough.
Directed by Waris Hussein.

The Shell Seekers is a fine telemovie based on a novel by Rosamund E Pilcher. It was adapted for the screen by playwright John Piehlmeier, author of Agnes of God. It is a star vehicle for Angela Lansbury who is excellent as a British matriarch, coping with getting older, remembering her past, trying to understand and care for her children.

The supporting cast includes Sam Wanamaker as a friend from the war years, Patricia Hodge is her daughter, Dennis Quilley her friend and Sophie Ward is her youngest daughter. The film is well written, well performed, has insight into family relationships and tensions.

1. Portrait of a woman? Family? Characters and situations?

2. The British background, English city life, the Cornwall sequences and their beauty? The 80s and the 40s? The musical score?

3. Angela Lansbury and her portrait of Penny, her screen presence? in hospital, discharging herself? Her dreams, memories of painting, of her childhood, of her father? The Shell Seekers and the other paintings? The importance of his art? Its significance for her? Seeing her at home, working? Her worry about Nancy and George? Noel and his ambitions? The dinner, her wanting to wash up etc? The taunts from Dolly? Her observation of her spoilt grandchildren?

4. Their age, her experience, her need to search? Going to Spain, enjoying the visit with Olivia and Cosmo, the sun, the boat, talking? Friendship with Antonio? Sharing perspectives with her? Discussions about Olivia and her future, her choices? The news of Cosmo's death? Grief? Having Antonio to stay? Becoming a daughter? Danus and his working in the garden?

5. The paintings and their value, the reaction of Noel, of Nancy and George? Pressure on their mother? Self-centredness? Noel's resentment? Dolly and her sneers? Noel overhearing his mother and Dolly speaking, his mother's regrets and seeing him in the image of his father? They're coming to clear the attic? The truth about the paintings and sketches?

6. Penny wanting to go to Cornwall? Nancy’s refusal and fear? 0livia being too busy and her regrets? Antonia and Danus agreeing, Danus's hesitation? The happiness of the visit, the beauty of the sea, the town? Memories? The time when she was alone with Nancy? Memories of Richard and her love for him? The war, Ambrose missing in action, the truth about Ambrose and his gambling? Her choice to stay with him? A good mother to her children?

7. Antonia and Danus, working for Penny, in the household, their meetings, Danus's reserve? The news about his epilepsy? His fears? His distancing himself from people? Antonia, attracted to him, together? The crises in Cornwall? The engagement, happiness, Olivia giving the earrings to Antonia? The marriage?

8. Penny and Richard, the chance encounter in Cornwall, the memories, the sharing, the journey of their lives?

9. Penny and co concerned about her children, them, wanting their happiness? The truth about seeing herself as a Mother, forgiving to Noel? His resentment? Nancy and her frustrations? Spoiling her children and sending them to expensive schools etc? The pressure of George? Making Nancy hear the truth? Olivia and the bond with her mother, her job and ambitions, her support of her mother?

10. The wedding and the happiness, the reconciliation? Everybody present? Their understanding their mother? The selling of the paintings, her giving the paintings to the Art Gallery, giving them financial support? But her wanting them to make their own decisions? Portrait of people and human nature?