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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:25

School for Secrets


UK, 1946, 108 minutes, Black and white.
Ralph Richardson, Raymond Huntley, David Tomlinson, Richard Attenborough, Ernest Jay, John Laurie.
Directed by Peter Ustinov.

School for Secrets is a post World War II tribute from the British film industry to the Boffins, especially those responsible for the development of radar and night navigation. The film is of interest because it was written and directed by Peter Ustinov (who had done this for Vice Versa and was to do it soon for Hotel Sahara the beginning of a long and distinguished career). Ralph Richardson is at home in the role of the Boffin as is Raymond Huntley as the demanding but petty minded expert. The supporting cast includes John Laurie as the Scottish scientist, David Tomlinson, Richard Attenborough as the pilot. The film re-creates the atmosphere of World War II, gives us something of insight of the scientists who are employed by Britain for the war effort - and their primadonna attitudes and clashing amongst themselves, their vanities. The film has many of Peter Ustinov's humorous and ironic touches in the screenplay. It is also in the style of so many of the patriotic films of the time - a tribute to Britain at war (to be taken up in many bigger budget films of the 50s including the other film about the Boffins, The Dam Busters).

1. Interesting film of the late 40s? Memoir of the war? Tribute to Britain? To the scientists?

2. Black and white photography, war sequences and special effects? Musical score? The very British cast? The quality of Peter Ustinov's writing - serious and humorous?

3. The title, the focus on the secrecy of World War II and the war effort?

4. The background of Britain at war: politics in 1939, the reaction to Hitler’s behaviour and the outbreak of the war? The war effort in the sky? RAF personal? The need for the scientists and their being recruited? Their working in secrecy? Their collaboration, their contributions (and vanities)? The radar, the developments, night navigation, the tests and accidents, the danger of raids into occupied Europe? The achievement in secret? The end and their going to the war effort against Japan?

5. Heatherville and Ralph Richardson's idiosyncratic style? His behaviour in the club and the tension about the lost flight? His work with marsupials? Recruitment, joining the group, personality clashes? Work together, being briefed? Going and boarding with Mrs Arnold? Their life together, achievements, tests? His reaction to Laxton-Jones? His having to go into occupied territory, parachuting, the raid? His return and indication? Their concern about the test and the young scientist and his death? The final achievement - despite fun being poked at him by the
member of his club?

6. The other Boffins and their personalities, Laxton-Jones? and his righteous, petty nature, achievement, keeping fit, sardonic way of speaking, his parachuting, his endless telling of the story? the patience of his wife? McVitie? as the Scotsman, genial, the possibility of flying and the clash with Heatherville? A more genial man? His wife? Telling the news of the death to the scientist wife? The other scientists, their skills, behaviour, clashes, taking credit? Their reaction to the military personal?

7. The military personal, their achievements, decisions, the class structure within the forces? Handling the Boffins? The briefing of all concerned - and democracy within the armed forces?

8. The young scientist, his ambitions, his wife? Going on the test? Their fight and not making up? His death, his wife's grief?
9. Mrs Arnold as hostess, looking after the Boffins, not knowing the truth, her discovery of the truth - and what she might have done? Jack, her young son, the friendship with the Boffins, his flight tasks, the dangers and the parachuting? The return home?

10. The member of the club and his comments about Heatherville and the home guard?

11. A re-creation of the period - and an insight into the events from the vantage point of the immediate aftermath of the war?