Canada, 1983, 87 minutes, Colour.
Richard Boland, Bernard Cloutier.
Directed by William Mac Gillivray.
Stations is the first film by Canadian writer director Bill Mac Gillivary (whose other features include Life Classes, Understanding Bliss). Mac Gillivray works on small budgets, makes distinctively Canadian films and explores Canadian questions. In his first feature, he focuses on a successful television director who is in mid-life and in crisis.
In making a film about failure, he interviews a friend who was with him in the seminary in the early-60s - after seven years, they both left. However, the friend commits suicide and the journalist has to take stock of his life. His commission to go on a train across, Canada from British Columbia to Newfoundland, interviewing the average Canadians. He has to make decisions when he arrives home in Newfoundland.
The film uses a flashback framework, introducing us to the journalist in the seminary in the pre-credits, taking him on his journey but including flashbacks about his life, family life, work. There is a need for reconciliation with his severe father as well as finding new directions. Mac Gillivray writes literate screen plays but also relies on a range of images -television, video, home movies, photos.
1. The work of William Mac Gillivray, his Canadian perspective, style? Personal film-making in writing, images?
2. The title, stations of life, the train journey and the various stations? Moving and stationary?
3. The Canadian settings, travelling across Canada from West to East? The Canadian cities, the prairies? The towns - and Newfoundland? The musical score?
4. The prologue with Tom and Harry in the seminary, the piety of the time, the decision to leave? Tom's father and his hostility? Tom's memories? Interviewing Harry, Harry and his talk, regrets, drinking - thinking he still had a vocation to the priesthood? The impact of his monologue? His death and its affect on Tom?
5. Tom, his relationships, family, bonds? Success?
6. The television station, Tom's boss and his angers, Tom's clash with him? In front of the staff? Wanting to leave?
7. The commission for the train journey, the experience of the train ride, the staff on the train and getting their perspectives, the girl and the flirtation and her resisting? The range of people, old and young, their backgrounds, talking about themselves and Canada? The variety of views of Canada?
8. The return home, Tom's sister, filling in the background? The dance, happiness? His father?
9. The background of the clash with his father when he left the seminary? His father being demanding? Old, tough, the final confrontation? Possibility of reconciliation?
10. The meaning of the journey, the journey back to the past, the journey into midlife and crises and decisions, journey into the future?