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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:25

Raiders of the Lost Ark


US, 1981, 115 minutes, Colour.
Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, John Rhys Davies, Denholm Elliot, Ronald Lacey, Anthony Higgins, Alfred Molina.
Directed by Steven Spielberg.

Raiders of the Lost Ark hits the jackpot. George Lucas proves again that audiences love a good yarn, the far-fetched adventures of upright heroes, strong heroines, snarling, sadistic villains and cliff-hanging climaxes. They come thick and fast here, blending real suspense (snakes, boulders) with hilarity. Hitler is after the Ark of the Covenant in the mid-'30s but hero, Indiana Jones (played by Star Wars' Han Solo - Harrison Ford) prevents him in a replay of serial cliches, presented good-humouredly but straight, that is both hugely entertaining and a nostalgic tribute. Karen Allen is an attractively sturdy heroine. Steven Spielberg keeps it going at a rattling pace - almost defying anyone not to enjoy it.

1 George Lucas' insight in the '70s that audiences enjoyed the serials of the past, myths and legends, heroes and adventure? His success with the Star Wars films and with this kind of film? Audience response justifying his insight?

2. The place of the serials in the '30s and '40s? Their continuation in TV serials and series? The films as pop-art and popular art? The stereotype characters? The basic situations? Danger, climaxes? The importance of the far-fetched nature of the adventure and its being larger than life? Symbols of quests - for the matinee audience? A good and enjoyable yarn? Serving as popular images and symbols of the times? Their reflecting the interests especially in exploration, science and technology? Their frequent use as propaganda e.g. anti-Nazi or anti-Japanese for World War II?

3. This film as a tribute to the serials and their impact and style? Parody as well as tribute? A satisfying blend of the serious and the hilarious? The various devices to draw the audience in? Fast-paced adventure, dangers for audiences squirming in their seats, sudden laughter and applause? Trick photography, special effects?

4. The colour photography, Panavision? Locations? The prologue and its setting of a mood? The explanation of the quest for the Ark of the Covenant? The device for the plane journey across the map of the world? The background of archaeology and audience interest in excavations in Egypt - with echoes of curses? Adventure on water - ships and submarines? The Guns of Navarone-type anti-Nazi adventure with caves and hidden arms? The special effects at the end with the Ark of the Covenant - and the popularity of the occult films of the '70s? The quality of the special effects? Stunt work? The essence of cinema?

5. The prologue and its tone, adventure in an exotic jungle, the quest for a religious statue, religious and superstitious overtones, the intrepid American adventurer in South America, the natives and the primitive background? The dangers - spiders, concealed weapons, trick floors, caverns, boulders? The ingenuity of Indiana Jones in eluding all the difficulties and overcoming dangers? The betrayal by his assistant? Belloc as the international villain? The massacre, the chase, the irony of the pilot fishing? The take-off with the post-script humour about the snake in the cockpit?

6. Indiana Jones as American hero? Harrison Ford's background from Star Wars? The Clark Kent quiet bespectacled lecturer? The adoring students - with 'love you' on their eyelids and the young man with an apple for the teacher? The professor and the discussions about archaeological missions? The American government and the serious s discussion about the Ark of the Covenant? The prospect of Hitler wanting the Jewish Ark for communication with God for world power? The atmosphere of the '30s, Nazism, international arms build-up? The American hero to confront this
7. The humorous journey in the plane (complete with Gestapo agent and hat)? The stop in Nepal - the introduction to Marion, her out-drinking the locals? The confrontation by the Nazis? The fight? The imprint of the medallion on the Nazi's hand? The humour with his coat-hanger? The clash between
Marion and Indiana and their making up?

8. The continued journey and arrival in Cairo? Getting the information from their friend? The focus on fights in the street - cars, the monkey, poisonings, the Arab with the scimitar and his being shot (to the applause of the audience!)? Marion in the baskets and the truck exploding?

9. The sequences on the diggings? Belloc and his maps, trying to find the Ark? German soldiers with the Nazi overtones? Indiana and his acquiring the means to find the place where the Ark was? His getting in to test with the sun's rays? The atmosphere of spying on the excavations? The discovery of the cavern? The snakes and the overcoming of the snakes -with audiences squirming with eyeball to eyeball snake confrontation? Marion falling in with the snakes? The Germans discovering them and putting the stone over the exit? The elaborate escape via the statue - plus Marion surrounded by the skeletons?

10. Marion and her escape from the explosion? The encounter with Belloc and trying to outdrink him to escape? The run to the plane and her machine-gunning the vehicles? Trapped in the cockpit? The petrol and the explosions? Indiana fighting the giant man? Their escape?

11. The adventure and humour of the truck pursuit? Indiana' single-handedly getting rid of every truck and car? His being wounded, on the front of the truck, under the truck, behind the truck, back on the truck?

12. The escape from Egypt? The captain of the ship? The tranquillity of the ship - with the mirror cracking Indiana's jaw? The submarine and the capture of Marion and the Ark? Indiana's eluding detection and getting onto the submarine?

13. The build-up to the climax in the caves? The atmosphere of The Guns of Navarone? Indiana disguised as a German, trapping the group going into the desert? His being persuaded to give up?

14. The build-up to the climax - hero and heroine tied to a post, keeping their eyes shut and surviving? Indications of power from the Ark - burning on the ship? The taste and irony of the Jewish Ark in a box with swastikas? The release of power? The special effects for the power, the contorting of the faces of the Germans and of Belloc? The explosions and their disappearance? A fitting climax for the adventures?

15. The happy ending, the prospect of the power of the Ark.. U.S. supremacy? Hiding the Ark - and the huge number of crates?

16. The intentions of the film to entertain, tell a good story? Success? Adventure and humour? An appeal to all ages? The power of the cinema to get audiences involved and keep them involved - and satisfyingly entertained?