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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:25



Australia, 1985, 90 minutes, Colour.
James Laurie, Genevieve Mooy, Terry Serio, Peter Mochrie.
Directed by Ron Way.

Rooted is one of a series of telemovies sponsored by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 1985. The screenplay is by playwright Alex Buzo, adapting his successful stage comedy.

The film is a black comedy, commenting on a younger to middle age generation, their memories of their past, their moral stances and values, their adapting to growing older. There is a great deal of irony in the presentation of situations and characters. The film is very well served by its cast. James Laurie is excellent as the naive and good-natured Bentley. Genevieve Mooy (AFI nomination for her clever impersonation of an executive in Emoh Ruo). Star of the '60s, Little Pattie, makes a guest appearance. The film creates the atmosphere of Sydney - but always with the ironic touch. This film might be compared with Esben Storm's Stanley which covers some of the same ground but was not well received by critics. The film is directed by Ron Way who has extensive experience in television.

1. A black comedy, contemporary, urban? The uncertainties of the times? The future? The Australian flavour of this black slice of life?

2. The telemovie and its style? For home audiences? The colour photography of Sydney, Manly, the harbour? Socials? Dances? Cars? The music of the '60s - the wide range of songs, the background, the era of the Beatles?

3. Alex Buzo's adapting of his play to the screen: the opening out, locations and environment, delineation of characters, comic interactions, speeches?

4. The significance of the title: rooted, uprooted, disjointed? The irony? The language - an alternate title, with memories of Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Simmo?

5. The focus on Bentley: the Australian young Everyman? Pleasant, able - yet not able? His image of himself and reality? Seeing him as a man, his memories of schooldays? The friends from school and their set? Sandy and his relationship to her, breakfast in bed, the driving, the competitiveness with Gary, the Stomp, the search for her, her leaving him? The opening sequences and his swimming, running and jogging, friendliness - a man on the go? His quickly being put on the defensive? His self-image as vigorous - and the reality? The competitiveness with the driving and its effect? The encounter with Little Pattie? Yet his going downhill? His work, problems - and his boss saying that he could solve all problems? Gary and his friendship, staying with him? Richard and his arrival and interest? Davo as his slob friend? Sludge and his comments on the ferry about divorce and tarts? His memories of Hammo (and the irony of the tramp often glimpsed turning out to be Hammo - and the irony of his death)? The effect on his background, goals, experience and friends - at home, being spurned by Sandy, accused of being a voyeur, ousted from him home, going to board, resigning from his work, coming and finding even his room gone? Feeling the victim of a conspiracy? The continual presence off screen of Simmo - his influence in their lives at school, with Sandy, with Gary and his job, Richard and Diana? Simmo taking over his life? The significance of his final gaze at the audience? Bentley as a character? Everyman character? The Australian male: school. Public Service. friends and mates, marriage, marriage break-up? The weakness of the Australian male? His potential?

6. The ever-presence of Simmo - and the fact that he was never seen? His car and the number plate, the memories of what he was like at school, his dominance, his wealth, his winning - but being defied by Hammo? His taking people's wives - yet the affairs not lasting long? Sandy and her infatuation, carrying on the affair in the house? Diane and her self-assurance? Bentley's friends wanting jobs from Simmo? The final irony of everybody joining in the party for him and ousting Bentley? His controlling all of them? Why did Bentley not defy him? Simmo as a symbol of dominance?

7. Sandy and her hardness, love for Bentley, falling out of love with him, her bluntness of manner, enjoying the drag race, leaving at the dance, exaggerating her despising of Bentley, her black comments, the affair with Simmo the cigarettes, the visit of Diane and Richard? Her being part of the party at the end?

8. Diane and her visit with Richard. her arty style, talk. relationships with men, with Bentley's friends, being Simmo's girl, her malice?

9. Cary and Richard as Bentley's friends, the memories from school, Gary and the girls. his mother. the boarding room? Richard and his art, the underground paper? Their liaisons with Diane? Gary and his allowing people to board? Getting rid of them? Their both wanting jobs from Simmo? Preparing the party?

10. Davo as the glimpse of the Australian slob? Sludge and his broken marriage, his advice to Bentley - and the ironic
comments about marriage break-ups and tarts?

11. Hammo and the tramp that was often glimpsed, his having stood up to Simmo. the news of his death?

12. Alan White and the Public Service, his confidence in Bentley. his being all talk. his arriving for Simmo's party?

13. The glimpse of characters throughout the film - at the Stomp, Little Pattie,, the girls and the dating, people on the ferry, the friendly neighbour, the party and the gatecrashers who were ousted?

14. The glimpse of Australian men and women? Education, careers, art, affluence?

15. Themes of Australian values and morals? Relationships? Fickleness and authenticity?