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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:25

Rambling Rose


US, 1991, 121 minutes, Colour.
Laura Dern, Robert Duvall, Dianne Ladd, Lukas Haas, John Heard.
Directed by Martha Coolidge.

A totally engaging performance by Laura Dern and the fine contributions of Robert Duvall, Dianne Ladd (Dern's mother) and Lukas Haas make this a memorable visit to the American south of the '30s. The town is quite proper, but Haas is a young adolescent and into his and his family's life comes the innocent yet sexually put-upon, poor sharecropper's daughter, Rose. Nothing is the same again.

The treatment is gentle, although there is a forceful sequence where Mother takes a defiant stand against Daddy and the doctor about surgical treatment of Rose. Direction is by Martha Coolidge. She brings an unsentimental but sympathetic sensibility to her portrait of a memorable young woman.

1. A portrait of a family? Of a young woman? Of Americans in the south in a particular period and in a particular context? The film as a piece of Americana?

2. The Georgia settings, the contrast between the '70s and the '30s? The family home, its grounds, the town? The musical score, the jaunty tone, the romantic tone? The use of `Dixie' for Rose's walk and for the final credits?

3. The title and its focus, on Rose, the image of the flower and its meaning for her character? People's perceptions of Rose and their judgments on her?

4. Buddy and his telling the story about Rose and his family? His perspective and memory of Rose and interpretation of her? His journey in the '70s, arriving at the house? His reminiscences? The ending of the film and the return to the '70s, Buddy talking with his father, the news of Rose's death, their memories and assessment of her? Buddy and his being in love with Rose? Father and his love for her? The flashbacks and Buddy as a young teenager on the veranda, seeing Rose with her hat and her dress, her bag, her walking style? Buddy's age, his relationship with his brother and sister, with his parents? The detail of life at home, meals, study, play? His fascination with Rose and watching her? Sexual awakenings? Their watching their father and Rose's seductive manner with him? Rose and her coming to Buddy's bed? The repercussions on him, his infatuation with her? Following her, watching? His talk with her and her wisdom? His concern for her? Her illness? What he learnt from Rose? The impact of her death and his assessment of Rose?

5. The portrait of Rose and Laura Dern's performance, Oscar nomination? Her appearance, arrival, tall and lanky, rambling walk, her appearance? The background of her story and poverty and yet her surviving? Her innocence? Her sexual experiences, prostitution and surviving? The welcome into the home, the interview by Mother, the consent of Daddy? Buddy and the other children and their response to Rose? The introduction, her work, her relating to all the family? Her naivety and niceness? Yet her infatuation with Daddy, the attempted seduction? Her naivety and ignorance? Learning how to be in the household, manners? Her relationship with Buddy, his sexual awakening? Discussions, work, talking to Mother - her history? Going to town, her dress, her walk down the street? The men fighting over her? Her involvement? Jail? Daddy and his reprimands? The young man in her room and his trying to jump out and escape? Rose's illness, the discussions with the doctor, sterilisation and eugenic theories of the period? The doctor's explanations, Mother's reaction? Her operations, her recovery? Her finally leaving? Finding Mr Right, her happiness, the wedding ceremony - but with the edge of criticism by her husband? The postscript and the story of her marriages, her finally settling down? Her death?

6. Robert Duvall as Daddy, the southern gentleman? Welcoming Rose into his home, hard and disciplined, yet bending? The manners of the house, his relationship with his wife? The tensions and Rose's attempted seduction? His severity? His relationship with his children? His place in the town, his observing Rose, his reaction to her relationships with the men, the young man in her room? The illness, the discussions with the doctor and his seeming to go along with the theories, his change of heart? His support of Rose - but wanting to get rid of her, glad of her marriage? Buddy's visit in the '70s and their reminiscing, his love for Rose, his memories, her effect on his life?

7. The character of Mother, Diane Ladd and her Oscar nomination? A southern lady, her taking in those who were poorly off? The orphan? Her relationship with her children, teaching them, their manners, style in the house? Her deafness? Her relationship with her husband, love? A studious and educated woman? Welcoming Rose, supervising her? The tensions in her relationship with her husband? Helping Rose to settle in, to work, her clothes? The interview with the doctor about Rose's illness and the question of sterilisation? Her indignation and her attack on the doctor? Her letting Rose go - and her joy in her wedding?

8. The children, their relating to Rose, learning from her, playing with her, discussions?

9. The picture of the town, Rose's walk down the main street and the playing of `Dixie'? The reactions of the men, her ability to turn men's heads, their fighting, jail?

10. The character of the doctor, the science of the times, the eugenics theory? Rose's illness, hospitalisation, his assessment, the recommendations to Mother and Daddy? His being in good faith - and Mother's reaction? Health issues? Women's issues and women being victims of patriarchal medical decisions?

11. A portrait of people, foibles of human nature, strengths of human nature? Relationships between men and women? Children and their growing up, experiences and role models? A film of its time - but with the perspective of a '70s assessment of the '30s?