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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:25

Running on Empty


US, 1988, 116 minutes, Colour.
Christine Lahti, River Phoenix, Judd Hirsch, Martha Plimpton.
Directed by Sidney Lumet.

Running on Empty is an interesting piece of Americana. It was directed by Sidney Lumet, veteran director of many plays (Long Day's Journey Into Night, Equus, Death Trap) as well as a range of entertaining movies (Murder on the Orient Express, Twelve Angry Men, Prince of the City and Serpico). It was written by Naomi Foner, who received an Oscar nomination for her screenplay.

The film focuses on a couple involved in protests of the early '70s - but whose protest resulted in the paralysis and blindness of a nightwatchman. They have been on the run from the FBI, changing identities and keeping out of the public eye. However, they have two children and the oldest is 17 and due to go to college. The film focuses on this older son, his reaction to his parents and way of life, his relationship with the young girl, his piano talent and the possibilities for a future. The film is a very fine coming of age story through the characterisation and performance of River Phoenix (also nominated for Oscar).

Christine Lahti and Judd Hirsch are good as the parents - but the film shows definitely the skill of River Phoenix as an actor.

Not commercially successful on its first release, the film has something of a cult reputation.

1. Entertaining piece of Americana? The '70s and the '80s? Protests, causes, their consequences?

2. The American settings: Florida, New Jersey, New York City? The towns and the cities, on the road? The ordinary American cities? Songs and musical score? The songs of the past? The use of fire and rain?

3. The title, the focus on the road, psychic energy and exhaustion? Values and a future?

4. The introduction to the situation, Danny at baseball, the FBI cars, the warning systems by the boys, the parents involved in causes, their escape? Changing identities, appearances, hair? Vehicles? Names? Contacts with the underground for money?

5. The background of Anne and Arthur: protests, causes, left-wing? The Vietnam War? The bombing protest? The attendant who shouldn't have been there? Danny's birth? On the run? Harry's birth? Anne's parents and their status, her not having seen them for years? The contacts? The news of the death of Arthur's mother?

6. On the move, the research for the new identity, settling into the town, establishing themselves as a family? The quality of their relationships? Danny, his age, sick of moving? Homes, school and difficulties of enrolment, lies and cover-ups? Anne and Arthur getting jobs? Making friends?

7. Danny's story: age, tired of being on the run, coping? Intelligent? At school, the music class and his involvement, classical music and pop, his audition for the teacher and playing both? Decisions about college? Philips' home, the piano, meeting Lorna? Doing Home Economics and working with Lorna? Anger at his father forbidding him to go to the concert, his going, his always being polite? Lorna's room, walking with her, talking, sharing, falling in love? The getting of the shell, the birthday party, the music, the dancing? His hesitation about the sexual relationship? The possibility of going to Julliard? Going to Lorna in the night, telling her the truth, the sexual liaison? The audition for the entrance exam and his skill? Getting the pizza and going to see his grandmother? Playing the piano with his mother, not telling her the truth? Having to be on the move again, his wanting to stay? Going to say goodbye to Lorna? His father getting him to stay on the bike and go to his grandparents? His future?

8. The portrait of Anne and Arthur: the past, the passing of the years, their having to cope, moving, their ideology, yet having to settle as ordinary citizens? The strength of their relationship? The need for money and the support of the group? Arthur and his cooking job? Anne as the receptionist? With their children? Arthur and his sternness towards Danny - and Danny throwing his own principles of freedom back in his face? Not appreciating his son's musical talent? Gus as a rival, the memories, the discussions with Anne? The gun, their ordering him away? Danny supporting his mother at the visit of Gus? The joy of the birthday party and the gifts, the singing and dancing - Fire and Rain? Arthur asking his son about Lorna, sleeping with her, his tolerance of his son? Anne seeing Philips in the restaurant, hearing the news about Julliard? Anne playing with Danny but his not telling her? The discussions with Arthur about Danny's future? Anne going to see her father, the pain of seeing him after so long, her weeping, his reaching out to her? The decision to go, the emergency with the news of the doctors? In the van, their letting Danny go?

9. Harry, the young son, involved in everything, learning the truth about his parents and grandparents? A happy joker? His staying with Anne and Arthur?

10. Lorna and her growing up, relationship with her mother and father, classes, discussions with Danny, showing her room, inviting him to the concert, walking with him, assessing her parents, her delight with Anne and Arthur, the shell, the birthday party? The sexual attraction, her being hurt, cutting him in class, the discussion in the night, learning the truth, sexual liaison? Her father and his going into her room, the discussions about Danny? His leaving, the goodbyes?

11. Philips, his skill in teaching, getting his class interested in music, listening to Danny and giving him opportunities, inviting him to the concert, his relationship with Lorna, tension, the Julliard application and discussions with Danny about his school records, discussions with Lorna, meeting Anne and trying to persuade her about Danny?

12. Gus, from the past, flirting with Anne, the proposal to rob the bank, the arguments, his being ordered away with his guns, the newspapers, the robbery, his taking the credit card locally and forcing Anne and Arthur to move?

13. The dentist and his contact in the city, Anne going to him, his making the phone calls, supplying the money?

14. Anne's father, his severity, unable to speak seeing his daughter after so long, his expression of his deep hurt and uncertainty, the effect on Anne, his decision to take Danny? The glimpse of his wife when Danny visited her?

15. Themes of family and relationships, growing up and apart, the younger generation and their future? The background of the upheaval of the '60s and '70s? Anne and her distance from her father, her talent and lost opportunities? The ironies of wanting to remedy the situation with Danny?