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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:25

Rock Hudson


US, 1990, 97 minutes, Colour.
Thomas Ian Griffiths, Daphne Ashbrook, Diane Ladd, William R.Moses, Andrew Robinson.
Directed by John Nicolella.

Rock Hudson is an American telemovie made within five years of the film star's death. What focused the world's attention on Rock Hudson was that he was the first Hollywood celebrity to admit to suffering from AIDS. He died in October 1985. Soon after, there was a court case by his partner, claiming financial damages because Hudson and his lawyer had conspired not to reveal the physical condition of the star to his companion and the possible danger of health to Mark Christian, the companion. This serves as a framework for the telemovie. The movie also comments on homosexuality and the fact that it had to be kept secret, especially in Hollywood for people to have success in their careers, as well as the emergence of AIDS during the '80s and the need for research to combat the illness.

The film is a Reader's Digest style portrait of the star, his humble origins, the work of his manager and mentor Henry Willson, transforming him from Roy Fitzgerald, the truck driver, into Rock Hudson, the all-American star. It traces his early film career - and also uses newsreel footage of the real Rock Hudson for some of the indications of his success.

The film also indicates the torment of his homosexuality and his inability to admit this in public, the manoeuvres of Henry Willson to keep this concealed from the public, the marriage to Willson's secretary Phyllis Gates as a cover and the possibility for Hudson to enjoy a heterosexual relationship. The film indicates the failure of the marriage and Hudson's promiscuity and growing alcohol abuse. The film also shows his ageing, his success in television with MacMillan? and Wife, and yet the onset of AIDS. The film dramatises his inability to admit that he had AIDS and the attempts to conceal his condition until at last he was exposed and all the world knew his secrets.

The film makes the point about Hollywood and its expectations of morality, the tolerance towards behaviour of the stars and yet an intolerance towards homosexuality. It highlights the effect of this kind of denial and double life on the personality of the star. Thomas Ian Griffith does a fair impersonation of Rock Hudson, though not looking particularly like him unless by virtue of the lighting and camerawork. Diane Ladd gives a good performance as his mother and Andrew Robinson is effective as Willson. There are interesting highlights of Hollywood life with parties, meeting with director Raoul Walsh and the filming of a sequence from Fighter Squadron, scenes on location for Giant, newsreel footage with stars such as Kirk Douglas, an episode at the end of his life when he was sponsoring a charity for Doris Day, as well as a sequence in the direction of the film Seconds with John Frankenheimer and the beginnings of Mac Millan and Wife.

1. The making of a telemovie about Rock Hudson, his personality and his illness so close to the time of his death? Impact for the American audience? His fans around the world? For fans who did not know of his homosexuality and the contrast between image and reality?

2. The themes of homosexuality and the 40 years of Rock Hudson's career? Secrecy, wanting openness? Hollywood double standards? The emergence of AIDS, the change of perspective in the '80s? Rock Hudson's having to cope, his concealing his condition, failing to let Mark Christian know about his condition? The film as a warning? The framework of the Mark Christian case and his suing the estate of Rock Hudson and Mark Miller, his secretary, for damages?

3. The credits at beginning and end with photos of Rock Hudson? The clips during the film of the real Rock Hudson? His status as a film star over several decades, the breadth of his popularity? His image, wanting to be a film star, not an actor? The contract player who became a star? Part of the Hollywood machine, playing to fans? The contrast with the truth and its effect on his life?

4. Roy Fitzgerald's background, the separation of his parents, stepfather and his name, in the armed forces during the war, his discharge and driving a truck? Sending photos to studios? The interview with Henry Willson? The change in his life? His mother and her support, the photo of herself as taller than her son? His taking her to the preview of his first film and her reaction about saving his money? Her sharing his success, crying at Magnificent Obsession? Part of his social life? Love for her son, acceptance - and the news of her death?

5. Rock Hudson's work as a truck driver after the war, the photos, the appointment with Henry Willson, the discussions, wanting to be a star, not an actor, his name being changed? Rock Hudson being an idea and its being manufactured? His clothes at the party, drawing attention, Raoul Walsh and his interest, rehearsing and fluffing the lines in Fighter Squadron? His contract, taking his mother to the preview, his pride in being on the screen? The collage of the advertisements for his films of the late '40s and early '50s? On the set for Tarza, Son of Cochise? Discussions with Willson, fearing he would be sacked, the contract for Magnificent Obsession, becoming a star, going to the preview (and Tim Murphy not allowed to be seen with him)? With Giant, his exasperation with James Dean, his success? All within ten years?

6. The encounter with Tim Murphy and his encouragement, comfortable with him, the sexual liaison? The secrecy of his homosexuality? His comments on hating it, wanting to deny it? Setting up house with Tim, Willson and his vetoing it? Hiding the relationship over the years? Tim not allowed to enter at the preview of Magnificent Obsession? Tim confronting Roy and making him decide about his career and relationships? Confidential Magazine and the threat to expose him? The cover-up, his marriage to Phyllis Gates? His going to the homosexual club and Willson ringing angrily during the night?

7. The public image, grooming for stardom, the starlets? Meeting Phyllis, attracted to her? Falling in love, the hope for a heterosexual relationship? Their time together, the house, sexual compatibility? The motivation for his marriage - and the cover-up? The beach sequence and his drinking, the remarks about homosexuals? The suggestions of his continued attraction to men? His visit to the bar? The confrontation with Phyllis, telling her the truth, the divorce?

8. The contrast with his public success and the collage of actual film clips of the '60s with his real life? The privacy of his home, the men at his home, his drinking?

9. The confrontation with Henry Willson, his dissatisfaction with him, Willson not listening and his sacking him? John Frankenheimer's help with the performance in Seconds, the impact of his weeping in the mirror and breaking it? The box office failure of the film? His decision to become part of MacMillan? and Wife and its success? The interviews, the silence about his private life?

10. His ageing, difficulties, health? The meeting with Marc Christian, interest in his work with tapes and videos? Their life together, becoming sick, pretending that he was not sick? Israel and the filming of The Ambassador, his last film? Going to Paris, hospital, the truth, the treatment? His return to America - his going to the promotion with Doris Day and the ambling nature of his speech about the luggage? His last TV movie? In Paris, the public announcement of his illness? Returning home, with Marc, alone and exposed?

11. Henry Willson, the Hollywood type, his shrewdness, thinking through the Rock Hudson idea and manipulating it? Controlling Rock Hudson's career, covering up his private life? Rock Hudson sacking him?

12. Marc Christian, his work, the meeting with Rock Hudson, the bonds between the two, living together? Concern about his illness? Mark Miller concealing the truth? Hearing the news and saying that he was a dead man? His suing - and his denying bitterness against Rock Hudson? But saying he did the wrong thing in not telling the truth?

13. Phyllis Gates, ingenuous, in love with Rock Hudson, the typical fan, going to the set of Giant, the sexual relationship, the marriage, happiness, growing unhappiness, her horror at the truth? Her biography as one of the bases for the screenplay?

14. AIDS, the emergence in the '80s, Hudson unsure how to handle the situation, keeping the truth concealed within? Miller and his concealing the truth? The doctors in Paris and their advice for treatment?

15. The film as a portrait, expose, the difference between truth and image? Raising the question whether it is better for fans to know the truth or to respond to the image?