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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:24

Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer, The


UK, 1970, 92 minutes, Colour.
Peter Cook, Denholm Elliot, Ronald Fraser, Arthur Lowe, Vanessa Howard, Ronnie Corbert. Harold Pinter. John Cleese. Dennis Price. Michael Bates.
Directed by Kevin Billington.

The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer is the work of many writers and actors associated with David Frost and his satirical television programmes. This film had many excellent episodes in the witty Frost style; it also has some 'Carry On' vulgarity and nudity. But, by and large, it is fairly well linked and when it is good, which is generally, it is very, very good. Peter Cook uses his rather deadpan style to good effect as the ruthlessly smiling efficiency expert who makes his way to the head of the firm, adviser to parliamentarians, parliamentarian, chancellor of the Exchequer, Prime Minister to absolute dictator. This young man on the make makes no calculated mistakes, although his whole life is calculated.

Into this rather serious and frightening framework, the jokes, satire and parodies are worked. Conservatives as well as Labour men being ready targets. The humour is not uproarious but does keep one smiling most of the time. The film was ready in 1970 with its satire on the methods and accuracy of polls when all the national polls made seriously wrong predictions about Mr. Wilson's success. Peter Cook has no trouble with this kind of part. A number of popular character actors are on hand to make even weak jokes succeed. Ronnie Corbert had a guest appearance for old times' sake and John Cleese (who has a hand in the screenplay) is there. Interesting and entertaining is the performance of Harold Pinter (is he taking off David Frost?) as a television compere. For those who relish British satire, good and telling entertainment.

1. Was this good political satire?

2. What aspects of modern man does Michael Rimmer stand for?

3. How frightening in its implications was the rise of Michael Rimmer?

4. Advertisements spoke of Rimmer as 'Mephistopheles'. How accurate an image is this?

5. Why did Rimmer succeed. even though he was hated? Why were his opponents so ineffectual?

6. How much point was there behind the satire on advertising agencies and polls and their accuracy?

7. What image did the film give of the Public Relations work for politicians? How accurate was it and how much was satirical?

8. How was the Prime Minister's visit to the U.S. President a good piece of satire on the pretensions of government?

9. How did the film satirise the British public, especially towards the end of the film?

10. How was Michael Rimmer a fascist and how did he fallaciously use democracy to attain his power?

11. Was the film light-hearted satire or was it pessimistic and cynical?