US, 1990, 100 minutes, Colour.
Rafael Sbarges, Catherine Mary Stewart, Peter Haskell.
Directed by James Fargo.
Riding the Edge is a pacy, if far-fetched (we hope), action thriller. Filmed in Israel, it has North African settings, American and international technological development, international terrorism. The film is reminiscent of the gung-ho attitude of the teenager in Iron Eagle, where he takes a plane to rescue his father. A suburban Californian young man here goes into the North African country and,-:almost single-handed, rescues his scientist father - even to the destruction of a large dam.
Rafael Sbarges is the hero, riding his bike, defying everyone to do his own thing and the right thing. Catharine Mary Stewart is, as usual, a strong heroine. The film was directed by James Fargo, one-time Clint Eastwood protege, The Enforcer, Caravans.
1. Enjoyable action thriller, espionage, technology, terrorism, American gung-ho?
2. The Israeli locations for African settings, spectacular? Stunt work, the bikes, the battles? Special effects? The score?
3. The title, bikes, skills, riding? Danger?
4. The Introduction: Raycor and its technology, solar energy, success with their work, John and his status? The personnel? The attack, the killings, the kidnapping? Kroll and his anger, the ransom?
5. The F.B.I. and the police? Stradling and the firm, the cooperation of Matt Gand the film establishing his bike skill with the daring ride with the young men)? The decision to go to help his father, his mother's attitude? The police? To Africa, the plan, following it? To the market-place, the man collecting, the explosions, the set-up, the helicopter, the dead bodies? Matt defiant against the police?
6. Matt and his character, the decision to go, in the desert, getting the gas, making the phone call? The encounter with Maggie (after the embassy)? The bike and the tripwire, Maggie and the jeep, going with her, on the ferry, the knife attack and the fight, rescuing the Berber, the Berbers and their help, the night, the attack? Ammunition? The phone calls from the wires, enlisting his-sister's aid? The rendezvous in the tomb, Stradling's presence, his death? The escape through the city? The)bike, going to the dam with the Berber boy? The plan, its execution, the danger, the rescue of the father, the waters of the dam, the helicopter? Maggie and the police? Gung-ho and pigheaded American hero?
7. Maggie, the tourist, the jeep, talking with Matt, following him, the ride with the jeep, sharing, the night, the tomb, the chase in the city, her martial arts? The truth? The helicopter, the reconciliation?
8. Mussa and the police, his leads, using Matt, the tactics, breaking contact, the end?
9. Stradling and his urging Matt to go, his change of heart about the industrial espionage, the pressures on him, the confrontation in the tomb, shot and arrested?
10. The Berbers, Africa, their help, their camp, ammunition, the young boy,.-his being shot, his blowing the dam?
Kroll as the villain, the East European and international mercenary? Ruthless? Henchmen?
11. Technology, solar systems, international power with such energy, use of mercenaries and terrorism, the police?