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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:24

Richard III


UK, 1955, 161 minutes, Colour.
Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson, Cedric Hardwicke, Claire Bloom, Alec Clunes, Pamela Brown.
Directed by Laurence Olivier.

Richard The Third, adapted from Shakespeare’s play by Laurence Olivier and directed by him, is one of the most enjoyable film versions of Shakespeare. It is considerably re-edited by Olivier and has excerpts from other works of the Bard. Attractively photographed in colour and Vistavision, the film boasts an expert English cast. The musical score by William Walton is both rousing and romantic and is integral to audience response.

The cinematic techniques that Olivier used for communicating Shakespeare are also very impressive e.g. the use of menacing shadows for Richard himself, the telling soliloquies in which Olivier looks straight at the audience to make us all accomplices in his plans. There is an interesting cinematic version of Shakespeare’s Nightmares Before the Battle. Many critics commented that the battle scenes themselves were too realistic for the conventions that had been used previously. All in all, the audience is caught into the intrigues of the Wars of the Roses, into the malevolent evil of Richard the Third's character, into the mystery of evil and the power play of the Middle Ages. As a tribute to Shakespeare’s dramatic genius as well as Olivier's skill in interpreting it for the 20th century, Richard the Third takes its place along with Olivier's excellent Henry The Fifth and his adaptation of Hamlet.

1. Laurence Olivier's insight into Shakespeare? Capacity for interpretation? Visualisation? Writing, directing, acting?

2. Richard III and Shakespeare's historical plays? Its place in the chronicle of English kings? The build-up to Henry VII and the Tudor dynasty? Henry VII as the grandfather of Queen Elizabeth and Shakespeare's offering of his work to her? The atmosphere of civil war in England contrasting with Elizabeth's peace? The expelling of evil, the restoration of order? The comparison of Richard III in history, drama, characterisation with the other historical plays?

3. The quality of the colour photography, the use of Vistavision processes? The costumes and decor, the atmosphere of the English Court? The uses of light and darkness, shadows? The special effects e.g. the ghost sequences? The editing for pace and for dramatic shock? The battle sequences? The contribution of William Walton's score?

4. Olivier's presentation of Shakespeare's text - pruning, visualising it? Portraying visual equivalents of the words? The settings for the drama, soliloquies, confrontations? The direct presentation of the soliloquies to the audience especially Richard taking the audience into his confidence (and making them accomplices)? Voice-over techniques? The ghost sequences? The adaptability of the set and fluidity of movement throughout the Court? When the Mayor and the people of London come to Richard, etc? The quality of Shakespeare's poetry and the eloquent delivery of the English cast?

5. The picture of England and its politics in the 15th century? The Plantagenet dynasty? Civil war? The actions in the Wars of the Roses? Changing loyalties? The role of the monarchy, the nobility, the Church? Power and king makers? Richard Ill as tyrant and the culmination of a dynasty in evil? The need for restoration and the place of the Tudors?

6. Olivier's interpretation of Richard? The introduction to the play and his confidential soliloquy, his visual appearance, his hunch, black hair, nose? His references to himself and his appearance? The symbolism of his shadow? His detachment from moral complicity in his evil deeds - Richard himself again? The historical background of Richard III - his place as younger son, his deformity (external and internal), his being a victim of the times, his wanting to prove himself, his vanity about his duplicity, his respect for Edward, seeming love for Clarence and his exploiting them both? The confrontation with Anne and defying her about the death of her husband.. the sexual ambiguity in attracting and to marry him? His spurning of the Queen's family? His using of Buckingham and then turning on him? His contriving Hasting's death after the manipulation of power? His self-assertion, e.g. making Buckingham kneel, his playfulness with the young princes and his harsh reaction to their staring at him? The achievement of the Crown and his glazed look of power? Buckingham and the use of Tyrrell? Dragging Anne into the Court? His plots and the culmination of his evil turning against him - the rush of messengers? The ghost sequence and his conscience? The list of his murders? The foul weather at Boswell Field. his involvement in the battle and his relentlessness. wanting a horse instead of his kingdom? The horror of his death throes? His being presented as a mediaeval devil figure - especially with the overtones of black and red? His intelligence, cleverness, power of manipulation, lack of human feeling, exploitation and use of people? Olivier's delivery and his interpretation of Richard?

7. The portrait of Edward IV - old, powerful, superstitious? Prophecies and their fulfilment? The place of the family and the Queen and her relatives? Mistress Shore? His desire to make peace before he died? Clarence and his place in the Court? The old age nobility of Edward's speeches - with overtones of fear and death? Clarence and his plain-spokenness, lack of shrewdness? His dream and the ugliness of his death?

8. The Queen's family, plots, the boys and their playfulness, heirs to the throne of England, the ugliness of their murder?

9. Buckingham as the cold and calculating politician his plotting against Hastings, manipulating the Council. using the Lord Mayor? The promises that Richard made to him? His being humiliated, hesitating about Richard. fleeing from him and dying as a traitor?

10. Hastings and his straightforwardness, lack of guile and foolishness? The liaison with Mistress Shore? His being isolated in the Council? Execution? Catesby and his loyalty? Ratcliff and Lovell and their place in the Council?

11. Lord Stanley and his being trapped in the Court, his messages to his son, his being vindicated as the father of Henry Tudor?

12. Anne as a grieving heroine the musical score to illustrate her grief, the encounter with Richard after the death, her taunting him and his offering to kill himself. the motives for her marrying Richard, his dragging her into the court, her death? Ambiguity of motive, love and sexuality?,

13. The visual impact of the film - the focus on the Crown of England? The visuals providing context for the acting and the poetry? The blend of poetry, melodrama, action, skilful characterisation - history, politics, poetic justice?