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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:24

Goodbye Girl, The


US, 1977, 110 minutes, Colour.
Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason, Quinn Cummings, Nicol Williamson.
Directed by Herbert Ross.

The Goodbye Girl shows us Neil Simon at his most pleasing and optimistic. Yet again, an Odd Couple (plus an alarmingly precocious ten-year-old, Quinn Cummings, who received an Oscar nomination as did the adult leads with Richard Dreyfuss winning, who illustrate the bitter-sweetness of lack of self-confidence but a capacity to love. The energetic Richard Dreyfuss is a very engaging hero (full of excellent quips and humorous mannerisms). Marsha Mason is a charming heroine, diffident, sentimental. The range of observation of human strengths and foibles is narrowed to New York apartments and parodied off-Broadway theatre, but by wit and sympathy has a great deal to say about human nature itself.

1. Cinema success, with its appeal? Its popularity on its release. awards? A comedy of the 70's and reflecting the 70's?

2. Neil Simon's comedy style? His verbal wit and repartee, examples? His presentation of New York and his capturing the atmosphere of the city? His reputation for presenting interesting and humorous object couples?

3. The quality of the performance of the stars and their meshing together? The kind of response elicited by the stars?

4. The meaning of the title, its wistfulness. theme? The focus on Paula and her experiences before the film and throughout the film?

5. The atmosphere of humour during the credits? Of joy? The relationship between Lucy and Paula, shopping together, California and their hopes? The transition to the finding of the letter. the reading of the letter the grief and upset, the repercussion - humorously Lucy having to do her homework etc.

6. The presentation of Paula's marital status? Her romantic situation? Donna Douglas and her reminder of Bob and Paula's having forgotten her marriage? Her relationship with Tony and its quality? Her anger at his treatment and tearing his photographs etc.? Her reaction to his subletting the flat? Why could Paula not achieve a permanent situation? The atmosphere of marriage, affairs?

7. The introduction to Elliot Garfield? The humour of his arrival, audience antipathy towards him because of the subletting, his arrival in the rain, first encounter with Paula. the locked door, the phone calls? The five minutes and the establishing of the feud between them? His strength of character, hopes? Idiosyncrasies and laying the law down to Paula after her doing this to him? The guitar-playing. chanting - how humorous were these sequences? The establishing of a love-hate relationship between the two?

8. Elliot and the background of Broadway plays? Simon's humour and critique? Richard III and the homosexual interpretation and Elliot's attempt to do this? His exasperation and the comic style of Mark the director? His relationship with the actress and rehearsing in the flat - and Paula's suspicious reaction? The rehearsal sequences, the opening and the humour and failure? The people leaving etc.? His reaction to the failure, drunkenness. the reading of the press clippings etc.?

9. The character of Paula, her strengths and weaknesses, attractive and hard? Getting a job, dance training and her lack of condition the audition? The grocery sequence and her being mugged, and her grief? Her exasperation with Elliot and her apologies? How was she transformed - wearing a dress, smiling etc.? Lucy doing the same?

10. The importance of the night of the play opening and their presence? Lucy sleeping and trying to praise him? Paula's sensitive reaction? Helping him? The humour of their various jobs, eg. her looking after the cars and the Japanese dissatisfaction and Elliot fixing the job for her? The humour of Elliot's job in the nightclub and his fight and standing ovation? The culmination of the meal on the roof, the decision about their relationship? Did it have a basis of love? The aftermath and Paula's reaction and fear, Elliot's thinking it important?

11. The various mistakes that each of them made? The clash in the street and the revelation of their strengths and weaknesses?

12. How important was the character of Lucy? The precocious humour of her remarks? Swearing etc.? The smart New York little girl? Her feelings? Her infatuation with Elliot and his having charisma? Her reaction to the marital situations, her anger when the affair began?

13. The dramatic importance of the clash in the street between Elliot and Paula and the truth told? The importance of riding with Lucy in the carriage and the reconciliation?

14. The blossoming affair? Elliot's acting and its resulting in the film contract? The humour of the setting up of the apartment, painting, refurnishing etc.?

15. The crisis situation renewed and the reaction of each of them? Elliot's decision to go, Paula's reaction? The joy that he left the guitar behind?

16. The satisfaction of the happy ending? What had each character learnt? In relationships?

17. Comment on the film's observation of the New York way of life.

18. How much insight into people and real situations? People's capacity for changing and learning, relating? The basic optimism of the film?