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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:23



UK, 1969, 96 minutes, Colour.
Roger Moore, Martha Hyer, Alexis Kanner, Bernard Lee, Francis Matthews,
Directed by Alvin Rakoff.

Crossplot is a very conventional espionage thriller, all the usual ingredients but with an anticipation of Roger Moore’s style that he used in the James Bond series. Very much a ‘take it or leave it' ironic thriller.

1. The significance of the title? How entertaining a thriller, comedy thriller?

2. The qualities of the film? How conventional? taking Hitchcockian traditions and using them well or not? The genre of the innocent bystander drawn into politics and the thriller? Assassination attempts, demonstrations, political intrigue, kidnappings, heroism unexpected on the part of the hero, romance? How well blended were they? Ingredients?

3. Colour photography, British locations, musical score? Special effects especially for the actions of the hero, the destruction of the villain?

4. Was the plot credible? The cross-plots? The assassination preparations, the marchers for peace and Lord Etherly and his involvement and cover? The advertising agency, Marla as the interlocking personality? Jo Grinling as villain? The foiling of the attempts and the various dangers for Gary Fenn? The happy resolution and the saving of the victim?

5. Roger Moore’s style as Gary Fenn? Suave hero, wisecracking remarks? Work in the advertising agency, the seeking out of Marla, the involvement with Jo? The demands made on him for some kind of heroism? Surmounting the dangers and bringing everything to a conclusion? Comic book style hero?

6. Jo as the suave businesswoman? The irony of her being the villainess? How credible the association with Lord Etherly, their plots for the Marchers for Peace and the preparations for the assassination?

7. The gallery of supporting characters from the world of advertising, fashions, the British aristocracy, the protest marches, politics, the police? How well sketched - sufficient for this kind of film?

8. The style and pace of the film? The memorable action sequences, especially the threats to life? The assassination attempt and its being foiled?

9. Conventional themes of good and evil, villainy and motivations, the innocent hero and his responding to challenge?