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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:19

Magnificent Yankee, The


US, 1950, 89 minutes, Black and white.
Louis Calhern, Ann Harding, Eduard Franz, Philip Ober, Richard Anderson.
Directed by John Sturges.

The Magnificent Yankee is American jurist and Supreme Court judge, Oliver Wendell Holmes. The film is based on a play from Broadway which starred Louis Calhern and MGM bought the rights to feature him in the film version. He had played a character actor in the 1930s at Warner Bros (The Story of Emile Zola) and had appeared in many MGM films (playing Buffalo Bill in Annie Get Your Gun in the same year as The Magnificent Yankee). He was to be Julius Caesar in Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s version.

Ann Harding plays his wife, Eduard Franz plays noted judge Louis Brandeis. Philip Ober plays the novelist (The Virginian) Owen Wister and narrates the film.

The film is an opportunity for American audiences to reflect on the Declaration of Independence, the rights that American citizens have – and, to that extent, it is interesting for non-Americans to understand something of American law and American jurisprudence.

The film is also of interest to film buffs because it was an early film directed by John Sturges. During these years he made a number of small-budget films like this, gradually making bigger-budget films and growing in reputation. He broke through with Bad Day at Black Rock in 1955 then with Gunfight at the OK Corral in 1957. After that he made a number of significant films including The Old Man and the Sea, The Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape. He went back to the OK Corral for the 1967 Hour of the Gun. His last film was another action film, based on Jack Higgins’ The Eagle Has Landed.

1. The quality and standard of this film, its appeal, to Americans, to non-Americans? Its status as a supporting film yet Its Oscar nomination for the main actor?

2. How effective was the film even in its brevity? Black and white photography, re-creation of Washington at the turn of the century? The atmosphere of American politics and law? American character?

3. Audience interest in biography: the person, his personality and career, law and justice, an American hero?

3. The reputation of Oliver Wendell Holmes? His heritage in law and the administration of justice in America? American respect for him? Was the film an adequately respectful biography?

5. The quality of Louis Calhern's portrayal? A portrait of the character, a study of the character, enabling audiences to understand what kind of a man Holmes was? How well did he do this?

6. His qualities of character as portrayed, his personality, loyalty, legal skill, knowledge? His private life and his relationship with his wife? The importance of the succession of assistants, their being sons to him? The importance of this theme and the way it was illustrated? Their similarities, the change in the times? Their reunion? Their loyalty?

7. How interestingly did the film portray his work, his administration? The court sequences? His study and the human effort he put in to give a just decision?

8. The portrayal of his friends, associates? A man who moved in high places?

9. The significance of his friend Louis and the Jewish question? How well was this treated, the achievement as regards administration, legal prejudice?

10. The humour of his quirks, mannerisms, habits? Their permanence and their change over the years?

11. How admirable a person was Fanny, her support and understanding of her husband, her death?

12. The achievement of Oliver Wendell Holmes? What could he look back on over his life? The values that he stood for, his
contribution to America, its heritage and tradition?