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A History of the Regions


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History of the Spanish MSC Laity

The seed of the Spanish LMSC group was sown in November 1984, during a weekend meeting that Fr José Mª Alvarez had with parents of students from our school in Pontevedra. From that meeting there arose significant interest in forming a Christian group to deepen their faith, and this was put into practice through biblical formation meetings and frequent prayer meetings. As time went by, each one discovered God in his or her life and shared it with the others in a fraternal dialogue, which is why the group was enriched in a special way and began to move more and more towards a greater commitment.

Understanding that freedom is one of the characteristic features of the Lord's pedagogy, the group was and continues to be an open community. This favoured the movement of people through it, so that the most constant ones gradually set the guidelines for the group's growth until the time came when they asked themselves what further step they could take in their Christian commitment. Encouraged by the then Provincial, Joaquín Herrera, they began to draw up in writing the form of their commitment which were then presented to the Spanish Provincial Council for their knowledge and possible approval. The year was 1988.

When Fr José Mª Alvarez was assigned to the community of Madrid that same year, he had the opportunity to work in the parish and to contact some of the laity  who worked closely with us. When he spoke to them about the Pontevedra experience, they were so enthusiastic that they wanted to take part in it, so it can be said that this group was born with a twofold purpose: to get to know the MSC and to benefit from all that the Pontevedra group had already experienced. But as Fr José Mª. was going to be assigned to Valladolid, he consulted with the community of Madrid about the possibility of setting up this group of lay people, given that it should be others who would take care of it. This was presented and discussed in community in March 1989 and was accepted, so that the existence of the group and its link with the MSC community was accepted. 

When Fr José Mª Alvarez left for Valladolid, the group was left in the charge of Fr Joaquín Herrera, and among its activities was the praying of Lauds shared with the community of priests. It consisted of about twenty people. 

In 1990 the definitive steps were taken for the birth of what became known as the MSC Secular Community. By that time, some nuances had been worked out and the Guidelines and Statutes were almost definitive, due in large part to the efforts of Fr Provincial (Joaquín Herrera), who had always supported the project. The Guidelines and statutes were formally presented at the Spanish Provincial Chapter of 1990. 

Both communities of Madrid and Pontevedra had a common programme of prayer practices and catechetical formation, and carried out individual and community apostolic activities. 

But it was in April 1991, on the occasion of a meeting in Valladolid of all the interested members of both groups, that the Spanish CSMSC (which is the name by which the group of Spanish LMSCs recognises itself) was officially born. And this is how the Bulletin of the Spanish Province of the month of June reports it with these words: 

"In accordance with our Constitutions and General Statutes (Cfr. Const. N 61), with what was discussed in the last General Conferences of the Congregation and in the last Provincial Chapter, on the 28th April the MSC Secular Community in Spain was formally initiated, with two groups: one in Pontevedra and the other in Madrid". "We hope that among us volunteers will arise to accompany these lay communities in their process and we hope that, in all the places where we are, these communities will be born, being accepted and considered as an integral part of our great MSC family".

On the 8th December of the same year, the first public act of commitment of some of its members took place in the chapel of the Little Work (Valladolid), before the Provincial, Joaquín Herrera, and the conciliary of the CSMSC, Fr José Mª Alvarez, as the culmination of a three-day retreat. Four men and five women, aged between twenty-five and sixty, are the first Spanish lay people to take this step, which will be repeated annually on the same date, as it is chosen as a key day because of what it symbolises for the Congregation. It is a one-year commitment that most of them will renew in the following years.

The CSMSC begins to make itself known through a quarterly bulletin ("En camino"), which comes out in September 1991 and is sent to all the communities in Spain, to those in America and to the General Administration. 

In the meantime, at Province level, a meeting is being promoted in Madrid of MSC interested in working with the laity in general and with this Community in particular. Both the announcement of the meeting and the results are published in the Provincial Bulletin.

The newborn CSMSC with all its possibilities became the subject of frequent communication and dialogue. In the pages of the "Chronicle" (Provincial Bulletin), it began to be mentioned quite naturally and, just as it was mentioned in the Provincial Assembly of 1989, it was mentioned again in the Provincial Assembly of 1992.

But it was at the XIII Chapter of the Spanish Province MSC, in 1993, that it was again the subject of debate. There, it was clearly asked whether the Chapter supported this experience, while the juridical relationship of these lay people with the MSC was also questioned. The answer is that they are considered MSC members in the lay way, they are asked to be formed in our spirit and charism and to participate in the mission by collaborating with our works. There is talk of encouraging those who promote the project and finally it is approved, by 24 votes in favour, "...that the Provincial Administration encourage, support and promote the experience".

In the diocese of Pontevedra, the group gained special relevance by working in close collaboration with the Episcopal Vicar and participating very actively both in rural catechetical work and in the animation of lay movements. Special mention should be made of the impetus given by some of its members to the local group of "Manos Unidas", which is growing visibly, and the attention given to several rural parishes that lack clergy. 

In Barcelona, as a result of the work of Fr Jesús Lada Tuñón during his stay there, a group of lay people was created whose growth process was very similar to that of Pontevedra. From 1994 onwards, contact was made with them and some members of this group attended the summer meetings held in Valdeteja (León) and the December retreats in Valladolid. As a result of these contacts, in 1996 two people were encouraged to make a one-year commitment to the CSMSC. But the rest of the group did not seem to take to the idea and perhaps because of the forced absence of its promoter, Fr Jesús Lada, the group ended up disintegrating.

In Madrid, as the group is physically accompanied by Fr José Mª Alvarez and incardinated in an MSC parish, there are more community activities and it is easier to open the group to other interested people. The weekly formation and prayer activities and other monthly activities, plus the periodic retreats and the missionary outreach, keep the ideal of the LMSC alive. And always around the feast of the Immaculate Conception there is a special retreat that concludes with a Eucharist in which the commitment to belong to this Community of Lay MSC is made or renewed. 

Among the activities is the NGO "Missionary Fraternity", which subsidises those humanitarian projects proposed and attended by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. This has made it possible to financially support our missions in Argentina, Paraguay and Central America, as well as immigrants in Madrid. In addition to the membership fees, funds are raised by organising various fund-raising activities.

In July 1995, the First International Meeting of MSC Lay Associations took place in Issoudun, which was attended by a Spanish representation of four members, a full report of which can be found in issue no. 349 of the magazine "Madre y Maestra". 

At present, the CSMSC has two groups, Pontevedra and Madrid, which have their own elected leaders, Angeles Fondevila and Eduardo Clement, respectively, with the spiritual accompaniment of formation by Fr José Mª Alvarez, who acts as conciliary of the Community in the name of the Provincial, who is considered to be ultimately responsible for it.

At the moment, the Pontevedra group is made up of about ten people and the Madrid group of about thirty, who have a weekly meeting for formation and shared prayer, as well as several weekend meetings and an annual retreat. For most of these people, these activities are voluntary and are oriented towards their Christian formation and experience, in the key of the MSC. But for those who have chosen to make a commitment in line with our spirituality, charism and mission, a total of fifteen members between Pontevedra and Madrid, these activities are part of their commitment and so they live it, because they are MSC Lay. 

Ana San Martin, a member of the Madrid lay group, succeeded Angeles Fondevila as a member the International and European Lay Council. All the information she received there, she faithfully translated to the members of the two lay groups in Spain.  Ana also acted as a translator internationally.

These MSC Laity, who are the core of both groups, make or renew their commitment in the annual retreat that takes place around the 8th of December each year, and with it they commit themselves to "pray, form and mission", in accordance with what is proper to the Chevalier Family of which they consider themselves members. They are the driving force of the generic group of lay people in which they are, they have Statutes and Rules of Procedure by which they are governed and they have their own leaders to put them into practice. 


Historical journey of the Lay Members of the Chevalier Family in Brazil

80's and 90's

    • The first groups were born in the Provinces of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and in the Brazilian Province of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
    • The idea of doing something national already existed within these groups.
    • CONAF – The National Commission of Fraternities – began in Rio de Janeiro, but it did not develop

2007 - Curitiba

    • The MSC Assembly with the assistance of some lay people met in São Paulo. Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro were also represented and this was the first time there had been a conversation about Laity in Brazil. The meeting was organised by Fr. Rafael Parmenthie of the Curitiba Province. At that meeting we realized that we did not know what was really happening in Brazil about the Laity and with the Laity.
    • A meeting was scheduled for February, 2008 in São Paulo.
    • Doris Santos was responsible for conducting a survey of how the Groups were doing in Brazil to present at the meeting.


    • In February 2008, we met in the Shrine of Vila Formosa: MSC Fathers, Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Lay people of the Daughters and Lay people of the MSCs. All were ready to begin a new beginning for the Chevalier Family in Brazil.
    • Since then we have met three times each year.

In 2008

    • International Meeting in Dominican Republic;
    • From this Meeting we came back with a "Homework", that was to "organize" Brazil  so that groups in Brazil began to co-operate and to work together.  We set up a National Coordination of the Laity of the Chevalier Family.


    • In 2009 we made a lot of progress, we were able to define how the National Coordination would operate because until 2009 the Council was  described as a "provisional council".
    • The National Coordination of the Missionary Laity of the Chevalier Family began on 26/09/2009 and that was the first time that term was formally used.
    • Membership of the Council would consist of:  A Coordinator, a Spiritual Advisor and other members.


    • From the members participating in the National Coordination a Coordinator, a Secretary and a Spiritual Counsellor were elected.
    • There was already talk of a  National Assembly or something similar.


    • In 2011 the First Retreat of Coordinators of Lay Groups  was held -  it was open to all lay groups in Brazil, and was held in Guararema SP with Father Manoel Santos. As facilitator.
    • Six groups participated.


    • In January 2012 we were visited by the Counsellors of the LMSC, Rita Cleuren and Paula Broeders.
    • A second Retreat of MSC Lay Coordinators of Brazil with Father Getúlio from Curitiba Province was held. Twelve groups participated.


    • The third Retreat of MSC Lay Coordinators of Brazil  was held with Fernando Clemente of São Paulo Province. Eight groups participated.


    • A Spirituality Course; Spirituality of the Heart, Mysticism and Prophecy was held at the Meeting House of the MSC, Juiz de Fora MG; from 13 to 24 January.
    • The first National Assembly of the Lay Missionaries of the Chevalier Family was held.  We do not yet have a defined name, but we do have a vocation to a Spirituality and a Charism and this makes us united! The theme of the National Assembly was Building the Identity of the Lay Missionary of the Chevalier Family and the Motto: was:  A Heart Uniting Hearts. The Assembly was held on July 19 and 20, 2014 in Atibaia , SP.


    • The fourth Retreat for Coordinators of the Lay Missionaries of the Chevalier Family  was held in Guararema on June 26, 27 and 28. The facilitator was Fr Daniel from Rio Province.


    • The spiritual Retreat of the coordinators of the Lay Missionaries of the Chevalier Family was held 10, 11 and 12 June in Campinas/Casa Betânia. The Brazilian Province of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart was in charge.


    • The third International Assembly of the Laity of the Chevalier Family held at the Espaço Anhanguera Centro de Fé in Perus - São Paulo, Brazil on July 17-26, 2017 with the theme: Our mission: a spirituality without borders - vision and mission of the Laity of the Chevalier Family.


    • The National Assembly of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart with the participation of the Provinces of Curitiba, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, was held. The theme was "Lay of the Chevalier Family in Mission/The Salt of the Earth and Light of the World". It was held on 28, 29 and 30/04/2018 in Espaço Anhanguera SP. The retreat facilitator was Fr. Mario Roessler.


    • Mission in Africa
    • When we were visit ed by the Superior General of the Missionary Fathers of the Sacred Heart, Father Absalón, he participated in the Meeting of the National Coordination of the Laity of the Chevalier Family at the Parish of St. Joseph of the Families in Curitiba. We also had the presence of the Religious Pablo Moura - MSC, Spiritual Advisor of the Province of Rio.


    • On  March 7 there was a meeting of the National Coordination in which we decided that the Monthly Letter that until then was written by the Rio Province, would be divided with the other Provinces.
    • With the beginning of the Pandemic of COVID 19, our scheduled meetings were all cancelled.
    • June 14, 2020, Rosary for Life of the Chevalier Family, online began.


    • We began an online Leadership Formation for the laity of the Chevalier Family course.
    • The spiritual Retreat for Coordinators was held on June 26-27, organized by the Province of Curitiba. The facilitator was Father Lucas.


    • February 5th Meeting of the National Coordination
    • Leadership Formation for the Laity of the Chevalier Family was held in March, April and May.
    • In June 22, 23 and 24: Spiritual Retreat in an online form for the Coordinators will be held. It will also be open to the Regional Coordinators of the Americas: It will be organized by the Province of Curitiba.
    • On November 5th,  2022 we are planning a face-to-face meeting in Vila Formosa - SP



Bogotá, D.C. 11 May 2022

Initially tell you that in Colombia the group is called Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and so it is written in the statutes, but since last year when I assumed the Coordination we have adopted the name of Laity Chevalier Family indicated by our Sectional Provincial Father Hugo León Londoño MSC, that is why in the review that I presented to you appears the expression Laity Missionaries of the Sacred Heart LMSC, since that is how it was shared with me by one of the oldest Laity.

We are already in the process of calling ourselves the Chevalier Family Lay Missionaries.

The Group of Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart LMSC was formed by Father GERMÁN BARONA. MSC. It started in the house of Mrs. Teresa Rodriguez in September 1996.

Father GERMÁN BARONA. MSC celebrated the Eucharist on Sundays in the Park of Belmira. There, at the suggestion of some ladies, came the idea to form a biblical group which focussed on their devotion  to the Blessed Virgin.  They had made pilgrimages to Maryland to honour her, and they asked the priest in the Parish of San Tarsicio, to help.  He did not have time but Mrs. Elisa de Suarez managed to contact Father GERMÁN BARONA. MSC in 1995, and told him of her concern. In response to this, Father suggested that she attend the Christmas Novenas with her group of friends, which were to begin in the Park.

Initially they started with a Bible Group, which persists to date despite the isolation forced by the Covid 19 in recent years. The group was born in March 1996 in the Community Hall of the Belmira Reservado III complex and then, at the suggestion of Father GERMÁN BARONA MSC the LMSC Group was created.  Father GERMÁN BARONA. MSC, was the founder  along with Mrs. Nohora de Cardona, Cecilia Pico, Mónica Murtra, Elisa Montalvo de Suárez, among others, also with Father José Fath (RIP) as Superior of the MSC Community. Father Jose  consecrated the first three Lay Missionaries, Mrs. Nohora de Cardona and Mrs. Mónica Murtra, and Mrs. Elisa de Suárez as Coordinator of the Group.

The Group grew with the involvement of people like Teresa Vásquez, Nidia Marín de Yépez, her husband José Yépez, Edgar Villamil, Esperanza de Villamil, Elvira Bahamón, Carmelita González, Carmen Sofía de Yépez, Rosita Janer, with whom we started the First Chocolate, which was held every year for the benefit of the Seminary for the Formation of the MSC seminarians.

A beautiful bazaar was held in the park with the support of the Colombo-Lebanese Group, coordinated by Mrs. Salma Jabboir, who also joined the group with some of her companions. Then a first Bingo was held with the whole group for the benefit of the MSC Community, in a renowned Hotel hired by Mrs. Salma, which was a great success.

Later, in a Eucharist, Father GERMÁN BARONA. MSC consecrated the whole group as Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. It was around this time that the Community acquired the farm in Subia, which the priests were preparing for Spiritual Retreats.

These people also remember Father Miguel Miller MSC, who was the Bursar of the Community and whom they define as a pleasant person, organised, strict with his agenda, but at the same time, attentive, generous and correct with the LMSC Group.

Mrs. Elisa de Suárez was replaced in the Coordination by Mrs. Flor Marín, then Lizbeth Valdivieso, then Alexandra Díaz, Gladys Garzón, Gloría Moncayo, Gina Patricia Pardo Jara and currently Mrs. Janeth Barrera, who was elected on May 7th.

Gina Patricia Pardo Jara

Lay Chevalier Family

General Coordinator Colombia 2021




A small history

In Mexico the Chevalier Family Laity have had three stages of development: the MSC Seminary, the MSC community and the parish of San Ramon. I will briefly present the development of the LFC, with the help of Sr. Remedios MSC and Florina, LCF. The MSC arrived in this country in 1992 and the MSC sisters  in 1993. After a period of time, a group came together as lay people and went through a three-stage formation process. Firstly,  we had a time of initial convocation, between 2000 and 2003, when the MSC shared more of their spirituality and mission with us. The second stage was of identity and development of the three groups of lay people and the third stage, beginning in  2017, involved an internal reorganisation.


The movement of laity began in March 2000 with the first mission involving laity and the Formation House in the  NSSC parish in Veracruz with 5 young people. We carried out popular missions in Advent and Holy Week in different villages with the participation of young laypeople, adults, ladies, married couples, together with seminarians and vocation workers. The experience of working together  with lay people was a good tool in their formation. A large group of young lay people of the Sacred Heart was created to live the missions, sharing the work, formation and spirituality with the seminarians. Between 2002 and 2007 we did the missions with the HMSC and their group of lay people. After that we had 10 years following our own path. The last mission that was done in this way was in 2017 and with that we closed this LSC group.


The group of lay people united with MSC Sisters Theresa, Maria and Remedios started in 2003. Sister Reme has accompanied two groups of lay people: in the Esmeralda colony (San Ramón parish) and in Naucalpan, with the participation of women, young people and children. We have done missions in different towns, mainly in Guerrero and Veracruz. We also have the support of the MSC sisters, as well as Florina and Vicky (deceased), to guide both groups of lay people. The LFC meeting in Brazil in 2017, with the participation of Vicky, Florina and Sister Reme, helped us to see the experience of lay people from other countries and motivated us to strengthen our organisation. Here we entered a third stage, taking over the internal organisation and strengthening the relationship with the CFLs in the world. We noticed this in the change of name to Laity of the Chevalier Family. Sister Reme went on mission to Peru in 2018 and we are now accompanied by Fr Jorge MSC.


The MSC at St. Raymond Nonnatus parish, Fr. Eulide and Fr. Polycarp, formed the Brotherhood of NSSC in 2002 to animate the weekday Eucharist. Since 2002 Fr. Juan noś shared the spirituality of the Sacred Heart and the service. Now with Fr. Jorge we have walked since 2014. In 2019 we made the promise as CFL together with the groups of Naucalpan and Esmeralda. On the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus we unite with the Lord to give thanks for his mercy and we also unite with each other: in the Eucharist.




Maria L. Saponara from the USA; she was foundress of the MSC Laity in Mexico City and Sr. Ma.

Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In 2005 they founded the LMSC group, on March 19, with 19 members, leading the formation of the MSC spirituality, within the Chevalier Family. After this foundation they went to a Holy Week mission, where they founded another group of LMSC, in the State of Guerrero, Parish of San Pedro, in La Vereda Gro., who with country simplicity (Guerrero, evangelizes Guerrero). Later they founded the group LMSC, in Naucalpan Edo, Mexico, Parish of San Pedro, with a number of the 12 Apostles.

During this period the Missionary Committee was founded, with the following members: coordinator Luisa Victoria Veneros Pedro, sub-coordinator Florina Ventura, secretary and animator Judith Patricia Lopez de Miranda and bursar Karoll Miranda.

In 2012, Sister Remedios founded "Los Niños Amigos Misioneros del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in Naucalpan, Edo. de México.

On July 17, 2017, we had the honor of participating Sr. Ma. Remedios, Luisa Victoria and Florina in the "International Meeting for LMSC", representing Mexico.

Sister Ma. Remedios has been their companion and formator, from the beginning until October 23, 2018, when she was sent to Peru, for a new mission staying in contact with those groups.

On June 25, 2019, Luisa Victoria passed away victim of a long illness. She was always an energetic, upright woman of God, dedicated to serve and help in the formation of the group in Naucalpan and in Guerrero. Florina, a woman of God who has always supported the service and formation of the LMSC, took over the position. Especially in the Parish San Ramon Nonato, C. de Mexico.

In 2020 when the famous "Pandemic" arrived, which paralyzed everything, however a LMSC is always "missionary without borders...", the mission continued using virtual means, the prayer of the holy Rosary, retreats, conferences, spiritual and emotional help and community support..., when the pandemic diminished, the groups were restarted and new members were added.




Paraguay1.jpgThe MSC, of Spanish nationality, arrived in Paraguay in 1999 and the first place where they began their mission was in Natalio, in the city of Encarnación (472 km from the capital) and there, the first group of LMSC was born, under the guidance of Father José Antonio Rafael Soto.

In 2002, the MSC also came to the capital; Asunción and specifically to the city of Fernando de la Mora to work and serve in the Parish of San Pío X and also with the project of opening a Seminary of formation for future aspirants.

Once installed, they appointed Father Antonio Plaza as Parish Priest and Father José Luis Polaino as Vicar. The missionaries quickly began to visit and introduce themselves to the whole community with the missionary spirit that characterises them, making known the charism of the Congregation.

Once installed, they appointed Father Antonio Plaza as parish priest and Father José Luis Polaino as vicar. The missionaries quickly began to visit and introduce themselves to the whole community with the missionary spirit that characterises them, making the charism of the Congregation known.

It was Father José Luis Polaíno who initiated the community of Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, which, according to him, began in stages.

Firstly, in the second year of their presence in Fernando de la Mora, and on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation, the MSC carried out a Parish Mission.


For this purpose, they invited the servants and lay parishioners to participate in the mission. As there was already a missionary experience in the community, the MSCs held a training meeting where they explained the charism of the congregation and the dynamics to be used by the lay people who joined the project.

After this missionary experience, many of the lay participants felt the need for a deeper formation in missionary spirituality.

At that time, the MSC Formation House was being built, and the Missionaries considered that in addition to the objective of having a Seminary for future aspirants, it would be very important to create an autonomous space that would be at the same time inserted in the construction of the Seminary, which would serve as a space to spread the charism of the congregation.

And this space was called the Centre of Missionary Animation: José Maria Gran and aimed at strengthening the missionary vocation of the laity.

Once the objective and identity of the Missionary Animation Centre were well defined, a call was made by means of information leaflets to the faithful of the parish community.

Thus it was that on 22 April 2006, the Missionary Animation course began, with approximately 40 participants, which lasted two years of formation and training, leaving 25 members at the end of the course.

Then in 2007, the Missionary Sisters of the Congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart arrived, who also joined in the formation process and deepened the sense of missionary commitment.

At the end of the two-year missionary formation process, the LMSC community was formed, following the scheme proposed by the LMSC community of Maribel, France.

Then, with the more direct accompaniment of the Missionary Sisters, the Statutes were drawn up which constituted the group of lay missionaries into an LMSC community.  And also, the first lay members of the community made their commitment.

Father José Luis Polaíno, after accompanying the community for several years, returned to Spain for family reasons.

In the same way, the Missionary Sisters also travelled to continue their missionary work at the end of their stay in the country.

Over the years, we have been accompanied in formation by Father José Antonio Rafael Soto who returned from Natalio, also by Father Sergio Vitancor, of Argentinean nationality, and currently, the one who accompanies us is Father José Antonio Rafael, who is a tireless evangeliser and in his capacity as formator, has imbued us with the charism of the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on the life of Father Julio Chevalier, and of all the Missionary Martyrs of the Sacred Heart, especially in Spain and Central America. And of course, to encourage the missionary spirit.

The main contribution of all the MSC, here in Fernando de la Mora, Paraguay was and still is, to transmit the spirituality of the charism of the Sacred Heart, as well as to serve with humble and missionary spirit to the parish community and preferably to the most vulnerable sectors.

Biographical details of Father José Luis Polaíno MSC, first formed of the LMSC in Fernando de la Mora - Paraguay.

He was born in Valencia on 2 October 1969.

As a child he accompanied his father in a neocatechumenal community and at the age of 15 he was already a catechist for first communion children.

At the age of 17 he felt the call to a priestly vocation and came to know the charism of the MSC who in 1965 had opened a parish in the neighbourhood where he was born.

On 29 September 1989, he professed his first vows and on 20 June 1998 he was ordained priest.

Before arriving in our country, he was in Caracas, Venezuela, following a course on the spirituality of the Sacred Heart which marked him deeply and was the seed that produced the desire and need to promote a community of LMSC, wherever he went.

He arrived in Paraguay in 2002, first in the town of Natalio and then in Fernando de la Mora.

After several years in Paraguay and having formed the LMSC community, for reasons of his mother's delicate health he had to return to Valencia and continues to take care of his elderly parents until today where he lives cloistered, because the MSC community in Valencia has been closed.


Dominican Province

A brief history of the Lay Associates of the MSC Charism and Spirituality in the MSC Dominican Province.



The dream of a movement of laity was in the mind and heart of our founder, Father Jules Chevalier, who had the vision from the day of the foundation  of the MSC on 8th  December 1854. He was determined that the laity should share the spirituality and mission of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, received by the Congregation in the Church. Admittedly, it was not easy to put into practice this lay dimension of Father Jules Chevalier's plan.    

From the very beginning of the MSC Project, Fr Chevalier understood that the mission and the charism he had received from the Holy Spirit had to be shared with the baptised, lay people.

This project of being the Heart of God in the world encouraged him to found the MSC family: religious (Brothers and Priests), MSC Diocesan Priests, and lay missionaries (LMSC). This family was later joined by the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, two religious congregations spread throughout the world.

From 1936 to the present day, many lay people have shared in the spirituality of the Sacred Heart, taking advantage of the simple and pious but also contagious environment of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of the Heart of Jesus. They have also shared in the mission, participating in parish ministry, catechesis and the magazine Amigo del Hogar.

In the Dominican Republic, the possibility of having the MSC Laity began to be considered in 1975. The first contacts were made with key people linked to the pastoral work in the parishes of Nagua, Santiago, Licey and San José de las Matas. Three years later, in 1978, the Provincial Assembly gave the green light to the MSC Laity project linked to the MSC Vocations Ministry, and later the Formation Commission was entrusted with preparing the first plan for the orientation and formation of the LMSC , with the aim of sharing the Charism.

The 8th  December 1979,  the feast of the 125th  anniversary of the MSC foundation, is remembered as the day of the first formal meeting of the MSC laity in the Novitiate at Los Pepines in Santiago. On 4th  January 1982, the Provincial Council approved the plan for the promotion and formation of the group, which has been growing, structuring and strengthening ever since.

Later, the Pro-Provincial Superior, with his Council, entrusted the project to the MSC Formation Commission, under the direction of Fr Gilles Grant, who prepared the first Life Plan for the MSC Laity, with the help of Fr Dario Taveras and Rejean Lambert. Dario Taveras and Réjean Lambert  launched the group's formation project.

The first informal meetings were held at the MSC Vocational Centre in Santiago. Among the first members of the group are remembered: Luis Gil and Blanca Balbuena, his wife, from Nagua; Luciana Herrera from Santiago; Andito Pereyra and his daughter Maura Pereyra, from Licey al Medio; Consuelo Ureña from the Vocational Centre (originally from Los Montones, San José de Las Matas, (Sajoma) and Don Esmeraldo Rodríguez, from San José de las Matas... assisted by Fr. Gillles Grant and Plinio Valentín Reynoso.

As a fruit of the 125th  anniversary of the Congregation, in the Dominican Republic, we saw the birth of this new group of this new lay branch that was integrated into the MSC family, making the MSC charism and spirituality their own. Thus, was formed the first group of MSC Laity with headquarters in Santiago and Nagua.

On January 4th 1982, the Provincial Superior, with his Council, approved the Plan for the Promotion and Formation of the MSC Laity and, since then, the group has been growing, structuring, strengthening and extending throughout the Caribbean (Curaçao 1993, Cuba 2000 and Haiti 2003).

The group proposed a monthly study and knowledge meeting. The study focused on the history, charism, spirituality and life of Father Chevalier. With a view to deepen the spiritual life of the group, a retreat was set up for the high seasons (Advent and Lent) and an annual retreat for maturing in faith and group living.

In May 1994, under the guidance of Fr. Darío Taveras, the group took a decisive step in its structuring and autonomy: the first National Board of Directors was elected, composed of a National Coordinator (in the person of Lic. Pedro Grullón), a secretary, a treasurer and 3 members.

The Monte de Oración became a place of reference and welcome for the annual meetings and these retreat meetings became an Annual Assembly, combining prayer with study and group living with the internal affairs of the group. It was decided that the National Board of Directors would be elected for three years.

From this structure and the commitment of the MSC laity, the group was strengthened with the birth of small local groups that increased the number of members. Thus, in 1989, the group of the Feria in Santo Domingo was born around Doña Luciana who, for health reasons, moved to Santo Domingo.

This group grew, giving way to the sub-group of Los Prados; in 1993 the new group of Curaçao was formed under the leadership of Fr. Plinio Reynoso; in 1994 we formed the group of Sanchez, in 1996 the group of San Jose de las Matas, with the help of Mercedes Rodriguez; in 1999, the group of Moca, with the teacher Fe Maria Diaz at the head. In the year 2000 the group of the Sanchez road in Sto. Dgo. was born, with Mrs. Sofia Clemente and Juan Romero at the head, Los Prados II with Dario Carrasco and Pedro Grullon and the group of Guantanamo in Cuba, year 2000, animated by Father Reyes and with the help of Dr. Armando Acosta Ruiz. In 2003 a new group started around the MSC in Haiti.

In this way, the groups grew, the MSC family was enriched and our charism and spirituality was extended, strengthened and consolidated.

The MSC Charism was also extended to the youth world, with the foundation of the Youth Vanguard in Nagua, on January 6, 1996, with Father Plinio Valentín Reynoso and the support of Father Delso Paulino. Later, with Fe María Díaz, we founded the Youth Communities of Moca, San José de las Matas and Santo Cerro.

These are some of the most significant features of the experience of the MSC Laity in the D.R.,

A change of life, maturing in faith, spiritual transformation has been reflected in attitudes and behaviours such as  generous dedication, self-denial and detachment that are developing . Growth in the spiritual life has led to a  love for God, the Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and a more assiduous prayer sacramental life. Commitment to spread the charism and spirituality of the MSC is reflected in apostolic commitment of many of our MSC laity to the works of the Congregation and the Brotherhood of the Heart of Jesus in constant service on the Mount of Prayer, among others.

These tangible fruits of the impact of our charism and spirituality are the best sign that each lay person has lived an experience of personal encounter with the Risen Christ who has given them Life in abundance and, therefore, they have committed themselves to bring everyone, family and friends, to have a personal encounter with the Lord, so that in the Heart of Jesus our people may have life.

Testimonies of members of the Chevalier Family

Pedro Bernabé Grullón Torres, Los Prados, Sto. Dgo., R.D.

As a member of the group of Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, I have felt more closely the Spirituality of the Sacred Heart. Belonging to this group is for me a blessing given to me by the Lord. I have been a member of the LMSC for ten years and I am part of the "Prados y San Jerónimo" group.

Maria Encarnacion Mercedes Rodriguez Castro, San Jose de Las Matas, R.D.

I have discovered that this was a true inspiration of the Holy Spirit because it makes us live our reality and the reality of others with our feet on the ground and our head in heaven. My greatest desire is that this spirituality spreads to all corners of the country and that wherever we are we can make known the love that God has for us.

Fe María Díaz Román, El Aguacate, Moca, R.D.

From a very young age I felt called to serve in the vineyard of the Lord and this increased in me the great desire to know the Love of the Heart of Jesus as a remedy for the evils of today. I feel that every day the Lord is creating in me a pure heart, helping me to discover my potential, my limitations, my desires and my hope to be able to serve others with joy and optimism.

Belkis Eunice Pichardo, Santiago, R.D.

The MSC Charism and Spirituality has been impressive and impactful in my life, since I have met the merciful and kind God, with a compassionate and generous heart, in whom I find comfort, peace and above all love, He is the God-Father-Friend in whom I can trust and rest. I have changed the image I had of God: from a Judge who judges to punish to a God of love, who is a merciful Father. Feeling wanted, loved and cared for by God compels me, now I live with hope, trusting in God and discovering his presence and his company in my life, in my family and in the events of daily life.

Diac. José Aridio Arnaud

30 years as a minister of the Word and the Eucharist. 13 years as ordained Deacon. From the moment that, by the grace of God, I was able to understand that my life, in addition to my dedication to responsible fatherhood, fulfilling my commitment as a husband and father, I understood that I had to serve the church with generosity.

Today I thank God and his son Jesus because he has allowed me to be able to say: "Yes, it is possible to be a lay missionary because God knows how to give a hundredfold".


El Salvador

A Brief Account of Accompaniment

By: Ingrid Yesenia del Carmen Pérez Manzano

The emotion of being strengthened as a Chevalier Family at an international level is abundant. The road that leads us to God is sometimes slow but it surely bears abundant fruit.

In our case, as Laywomen of the Chevalier Family of El Salvador, we have been accompanied by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, MSC.

From my experience it all began in 2014 when Sister Concepción Sanabria Velásquez Msc, better known as Conchi Msc, of Guatemalan nationality and Sister Leonor Villate Angulo Msc, known as Sister Leonor Msc, of Spanish nationality, invited several people to form part of a group of lay people to get to know the spirituality of the heart, as well as to learn more about our founder Fr Julio Chevalier and Humberto Linckens.

In 2015, after Sister Conchi Msc was sent to Guatemala to continue her mission, Sister Monika María Grunwald Msc, better known as Sister Mónika Msc, of German nationality, joined the formation project. She, together with Sister Leonor Msc, continued our formation process as laywomen of the Chevalier family, but at the end of that year Sister Monika had to carry out her mission in another country. Sister Leonor Msc. continued our formation. 



She accompanied us until the beginning of 2020 because she was sent to Guatemala to continue her mission. Together with her, besides guiding us in the formation, she encouraged and accompanied us in different activities such as participation as Chevalier Family Laity in public events in honour of St. Romero,

First Chevalier Fair (where we offered free services: legal aid, talks for women, adolescents and older adults, pet vaccinations, piñata breaking and puppets for children), the mission of visiting house to house during Holy Week in the communities of the parish, in order to make known the compassionate and merciful love of God.


She also encouraged and accompanied us to manage the funds to participate in the International Meeting of the Chevalier Family Laity, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2017. She has been a great guide in our spiritual formation.

From 2020 to date is Sister Ana Mercedes Mejia Benitez Msc, better known as Sister Mercy Msc, of Salvadorian nationality, who accompanies and encourages us in the formation process.

With her accompaniment the group has integrated the experience with the spirituality of the heart. She has strengthened the formation among us, according to our knowledge and experience of faith, and has integrated us in projects carried out by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, such as the project of food for the elderly.

Thanks to her support, the first promises of this group of Laywomen of the Chevalier Family were made in the year 2021.

This year these promises were renewed and we continue to walk in the construction of the Kingdom of God, with the certainty that Our Lady of the Sacred Heart always accompanies us!




Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Ecuador

We are a group of students recently graduated from the School of Missionary Formation of the Pontifical Missionary Works of Quito; where we had accompaniment and spiritual formation with Father Moacir, who by his charisma, spirituality and above all his total dedication to the mission has inspired us.

He made us fill our hearts with the desire to follow his example of help and service to the most needy in the peripheries of our country.

On November 9th , 2012, a group of 25 members from different parishes in Quito, presented the application for acceptance and affiliation as Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart to Father Antonio Carlos Meira (+) Superior of the MSC at that time. The same was accepted and sealed with a beautiful Eucharistic ceremony on 14th  November 2012.

It is there that we discover that it is God who calls us at that opportune moment in our lives; to discover together with the people the God who moves us, accompanies us and loves us all equally. Moving from selfishness to love, crossing the borders of our own being, to go to meet the other and to live in communion with all from a compassionate life of the God we know and to ask Him to help us to fulfil this new plan of life and mission in these times. ! Because "LIFE IS MISSION.... AND MISSION IS LIFE.

 Beloved be the Sacred Heart of Jesus everywhere!

 For ever and ever!




The Community of Life I - Laity MSC of the Parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, was born on April 25, 1997 precisely on the Feast of the Holy Brother Pedro de Betancourt at the initiative of Fathers Joaquin Herrera, Federico José Arbizú Delgado and Sister Monika Maria Grunwald. They made the invitation to several lay parishioners to form the LMSC community, lay people who over time had assumed commitments in the pastoral work of our parish who gladly accepted.

Father Federico and Sister Monika assumed the commitment to accompany this group of Laity in their formation.


Congregation: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Country of Origin: Germany

Arrived in Guatemala in 1995


Congregation: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Country of origin: Nicaragua

Arrived in Guatemala in 1997

Father Federico Arbizú Sister Monika Grunwald