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Chevalier Institute Principles

We are guided by the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) document "A Framework for Mission in Catholic Education" and by the movements of Spirituality of the Heart to facilitate formation that:

  • takes account of the lived reality of lay people (past and present) and their diverse spiritual journeys and engages the charism in a meaningful and relevant way;
  • follows sound adult learning principles and acknowledges respected theories of human development (physical, psychological, spiritual & emotional development). This is an ongoing process, requiring both time and resources;
  • respects and actively acknowledges the inter-relationship between body, mind and spirit;
  • up-skills and forms 'formators' so as to empower them to facilitate formation in their local contexts;
  • seeks out and makes available resources that are supportive of our mission and vision;
  • plans and offers a range of liturgical experiences as an integral part of all formation experiences.

NCEC Framework