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Organisational Structure

Formal membership is organised around a local, national and international structure that is strongly aligned to the three Chevalier Family Congregations.

Each member country has their own network of local groups aligned with one or more of the professed branches of the Family. Ideally, where there is more than one professed branch in a country the local groups will be integrated or in close contact with each other.

National Councils

Ideally, local groups will be organised and supported by a National Council. This model of governance is still emerging in some member countries. National Councils work closely with the leadership of the Chevalier Family Congregations in each country in an autonomous but interdependent relationship. National Councils are authorised by the Provincial Councils of the country and ought to consist of representatives of all branches of the Family including professed and lay. National Councils are accompanied and supported by a professed member.

The International Council

The International Council is the international coordinating body of the Laity of the Chevalier Family. Members are elected and appointed at the six yearly international gathering termed an Assembly of the Laity.

In principle, the International Council is required to have a representative from each continent. The current International Council is the first such Council and is working towards such representation.

The tasks of the International Council are to promote unity-in-diversity among the various lay groups around the world, to ensure effective communication and exchange of information and to offer suitable formation resources to local groups through their National Councils. The International Council also assists in the planning of each International Assembly.

The Trigeneralate

The close relationship between professed and lay members is also reflected in the support and commitment given to laity by the three General Administrations. The International Council works in close collaboration with the General Administrations of each professed branch and has a support person from those General Administrations to accompany  them, along with a Religious Companion who sits on the Council.