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(Gospel Acclamations, Choral Parts, Instruments)

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart is a Catholic religious order of brothers and priests established by Jules Chevalier in 1854 in France. The ‘MSC’ are dedicated to making the Sacred and Compassionate Heart of Jesus, known and loved by everyone, everywhere. The ‘MSC’ are also “Missionaries” and this characteristic also finds its way into the ministries it creates, one of which is music.

In Australia (and internationally) there are two MSC members who are well-loved and well-known for creating beautiful music used primarily in the Catholic Mass but also for private enjoyment be it spiritual or non-spiritual.

In the words of James Maher msc:

“Hymns and spiritual songs communicate a particular spirituality and a particular theology.

They can powerfully proclaim a gospel of love and liberation or they can narrow and distort the

gospel message. They can invite us into intimacy with a God who loves us, or they can reinforce

our fears and false beliefs. As a Missionary of the Sacred Heart, my desire is to live and promote

a spirituality consistently based on God’s compassion, revealed especially in the humanity of Jesus.

Through words and music, I desire to give expression to a spirituality that recognises the reality of

the Divine in the daily joys and struggles of life, and in the desires of the human heart.”