We invite you to join us in prayer now
Here is today's prayer which Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Australia will use.
Daily Prayers
Worshipping Him
LORD JESUS CHRIST, we praise and bless you for your love.
In the depths of your heart
you worship the eternal Father,
from whom you came as Son
in the love of the Holy Spirit.
Make us one in heart with you
That we may worship the Father
Who has created us in your likeness.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
You adore the Father in Spirit and truth.
Form us on the pattern of your living –
The heart of your Son.
Asking Him
LORD JESUS CHRIST,You invite us to trust you
and come to you in all our needs.
Grant that through your Spirit
We might be strengthened by your grace
With a power that reaches our innermost being;
grant us everything we need
in our striving to follow you,
in life and death and in the world to come.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
Water became wine at your prayer;
help us by your motherly power
When we appeal to the heart of your Son.
Sharing His Sorrow
LORD JESUS CHRIST,In Gethsemane and on the cross
where your sacred side was pierced,
you knew as none other
the bitter sorrow of a lonely heart.
Grant, we pray you,
that we who are cast down by the loneliness of our pilgrim path, may rejoice to suffer with you;
and may the light of your Father's love
shine in us - as it did in your heart –
a light which the darkness could not overcome.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
you suffered in spirit with Christ on the cross;
stand by and strengthen us when we are called to share
the sorrows of the heart of your Son.
Making up to Him
LORD JESUS CHRIST,Lifted high on the cross
Your pierced heart reveals your love for the Father and for us.
Pierce our hearts now
with and ever-deepening knowledge of your love,
and over come our slowness to believe in it.
May we make amends and learn to love you more,
by bearing patiently the cross of our daily living
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
Offer our lives in atonement to the Father
That in our innermost being,
we may resemble more closely the heart of your Son.
Following Him
LORD JESUS CHRIST,Poor in spirit
and with undivided heart
you became obedient to death on a cross.
Grant us the grace
to follow wherever you go,
chaste in mind and body,
poor for the sake of the kingdom.
May we discover in the depths of your heart,
the blessedness of the Holy Spirit,
now and forever.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
you are bound forever in a mother's love for your Son; bind us all who call you mother
in life and in death to the heart of your Son.
Giving Thanks to Him
LORD JESUS CHRIST,In you the goodness and kindness
of God our saviour has appeared.
In you, Lord, the Father has first loved us.
Through you Lord Jesus,
the Father has given us the Spirit ,
our pledge of life.
With you we thank the Father
who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
you offer your hymn of thanksgiving to the Father;
let us join in your thanks and praise
for the riches made known in the heart of your Son.
Loving Him
LORD JESUS CHRIST,The love of God poured into your Heart
by the Holy Spirit
heals us and makes us whole.
Send your spirit to dwell in us
that we may come to know
what surpasses all knowledge –
the timeless mystery of your heart's unfailing love
for the Father, and for all men and women,
and all created things.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
Your love is stronger than death;
make ours strong
by leading us to the heart of your Son.
Other prayers you may like
Prayer of Fr Chevalier
Lord, Jesus,
Saviour of the world and source of holiness,
look with kindness on all whom you have chosen
to be Missionaries of your loving Heart.
Ask your heavenly Father to keep us in your love,
and sanctify us in your truth,
so that you maybe glorified in us
and we may reflect your goodness.
Ask your Father to keep us from evil
that we may always be united in bonds of love.
As you are one with your Father,
so may we be one with each other in your divine Heart.
whose sentiments shall forever be ours
and to which we consecrate ourselves in time
and for eternity.
MSC Hymn
Jesus our Lord,
We praise you and the love in your heart.
We honour you, we glorify you;
we are grateful for your help today.
We offer our thanks,
We consecrate and give our hearts to you.
Take them, hold them fast
and make them your own forever.
Fill them with your Spirit, your Father's gift to us.
Stay with us throughout our life, Lord Jesus.
Let us follow all the ways you mark for us.
Heart of Christ, may your love be known forever.
V. May all people see the goodness of God.
R. In his wonderful dealings with them.
Let us pray.
Lord Jesus with renewed kindness you enrich your Church with the boundless gifts of your heart. Help us to respond to such love, to serve you truly in our lives, and in that measure to make good the offences of our human family. Amen.
Litany of the Sacred Heart

Lord, we praise the love in your Heart.
Blessed are you.
You have worked marvels for your people.
Blessed are you.
You have chosen us to serve.
Blessed are you.
Your Heart overflows with Living Water.
Blessed are you.
To consecrate us in the Truth,
Send us your Spirit.
To gather us as one,
Send us your Spirit.
To send us as you were sent,
Send us your Spirit.
To make our hearts burn with your Love,
Send us your Spirit.
With your Mother at the Foot of the Cross,
We pray to you.
Contemplating your pierced heart,
We pray to you.
For those who bend under burdens,
We pray to you.
For your Church and her mission,
We pray to you.
Jesus, likeness of God.
Jesus, mystery of love.
Jesus, source of life.
Jesus, centre of our heart
Memorare to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
Because Mary is intimately united to the mystery of her Son's heart,
we pray to her, as our founder did, using the title, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
She has known the unfathomable riches of Christ; her whole being was filled with his love; she leads us to him, pointing to his Heart, the source of boundless love that gives birth to a new world. (MSC Constitutions 18.)
Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
the great things the Lord has done for you.
He chose you for his mother.
He wanted you close to his cross.
He gives you a share in his glory.
He listens to your prayer.
Offer him our prayers of praise and thanksgiving; present our petitions to him.
Let us live like you in the love of your Son so that his Kingdom may come.
Lead us to the source of living water that flows from his heart,
spreading over the world hope and salvation, justice and peace.
See our trust in you; answer our prayer.
Show yourself always our Mother. Amen,
Prayer to St Joseph
We also honour Saint Joseph and place ourselves under the protection of that faithful and just man,
who was so closely united in love with Jesus and Mary. (MSC Constitutions 19.)
Joseph, God chose you,
His faithful and just servant,
to be united in love with Jesus and Mary.
As you served Jesus,
pray that we may serve him in all people.
May we who honour you as our patron and protector,
remain true to our mission,
May God grant us, through your prayer
the acceptance, love and service
with which you responded
when the Father chose you
to care for Jesus, his Son,
who is Lord forever and ever.
Prayer for Vocations
Loving God,
help all your people to know their vocation in life,
and assist them to prepare for it.
For your greater glory
and for the service of your people,
call many to be priests and religious.
May we, the Missionaries of Heart of Jesus your Son,
Be blessed abundantly with men and women
chosen to share our mission of love.
Mary, mother of the Church
show your love for all people;
encourage many vocations
to priesthood and religious life.
More PRAYER resources may be found on the MSC site
"Cor Novum - Take Heart".
Please click the image to be taken there.
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