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Important Information for MSC Clergy

Current as of 19th September 2024

The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) are committed to ensuring that all their members engaged in ministry work with children, young people and vulnerable adults, have met the appropriate national, state and Church Authority related requirements.

Ms Anne-Marie Snelling, Professional Standards Support Officer is responsible for ensuring that all MSC engaged in ministry have a current Working with Children clearance from the relevant jurisdiction, are registered on the Australian Catholic Ministry Register (ACMR) and have faculties from the relevant Diocesan Authority.

The Working with Children Check is an Australian background check requirement, assessing the criminal record of those working or volunteering in child-related work. The check is known as the WWCC/WWVP in most states and territories. All MSC requiring a WWCC are to apply as an employee – this does incur a fee.

Please note that each Diocesan Authority has different WWCC requirements for visiting Clergy.

Please contact the MSC Professional Standards & Safeguarding Office on 02 9556 899 extension 5 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you need assistance with completing the required documentation or clarification of the requirements.

To apply or renew a WWCC please click on the following link below, relevant to the state authority you wish to apply to/ or have your check renewed in:



The Australian Catholic Ministry Register (ACMR) is a national Catholic database, that enables Bishops and leaders of religious congregations the ability to check the background of clergy visiting or moving to their region. The ACMR provides up-to-date online information on whether a priest or male religious has a Working with Children Check and has been ‘licensed’ to work in a Diocese or Religious Congregation. The ACMR reflects a new approach to ensuring priests and brothers are accountable for their past behaviours and history.

The ACMR uses a personalised ID number which is provided to each person on the Register so that it can be given to a church leader to verify the standing of the visitor.

Oversight of the ACMR application process for MSC’s is undertaken by Ms Anne-Marie Snelling, Professional Standards Support Officer. All MSC engaged in ministry are required to be registered with the ACMR, and the application process is undertaken at Treand House or via email correspondence for interstate applicants.

Please contact the Professional Standards & Safeguarding Office on 02 9556 8999 extension 5 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions about this process.

Requests for permission to minister are via Ms Anne-Marie Snelling with oversight by the Province Secretary.

Please email your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and allow time for the application to be processed. In your request, please state the dates and place of intended ministry and note that each Diocesan Authority has strict requirements regarding Working with Children clearances.