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Publications by Peter Malone



Editor, 1972 -1998.



An Ever- Widening Screen

Connor Court, Ballarat, 2015.


Paul Stenhouse, A Distinctive and Distinguished Missionary of the Sacred Heart, (ed),

Australian Scholarly Press, Melbourne, 2020.


The Mystery of Christ, a course introducing theology,
Yarra Theological Union, Melbourne, 1983.

Discovering an Australian Theology, (Co-ordinator and contributor),
St Pauls, Sydney, 1988.

Traces of God
Collins -Dove, Melbourne, 1991.

Developing an Australian Theology, (Co-ordinator and contributor)
Melbourne, St Pauls, 1999.

Jesus... according to the Scriptures
Chevalier Press, Sydney, 2009

Heart of Life Spirituality Centre. A History
Heart of Life, Melbourne, 2017.

Hearts Burning within Us
Scripture in the Parish, for small prayer groups & for private prayer
Coventry Press, Melbourne, 2018.

Compass Theology Review
A History, 50 Years of Doing Theology in Australia
ATF Press, Adelaide, 2020.

10 Minutes, Scriptural Reflections for Mind and Heart

Coventry Press, Melbourne, 2021


The Film
Chevalier Press, Sydney, 1971.

The Writing on the Wall
Westbooks, Perth, 1973; revised edition, Sydney, 1978.

200 Movies and Discussions I
Chevalier Press, Syndey, 1973

200 Movies and Discussions II
Chevalier Press, Sydney, 1975

Films and Values
Chevalier Press, Melbourne, 1978.

Nuclear Films,
Spectrum, 1985, Melbourne.

In Black and White and Colour. A Survey of Aborigines in Australian Feature Films,
Spectrum, Melbourne, 1987.

Movie Christs and Antichrists
Parish Ministry, Sydney, 1988
US Edition, Crossroads, New York, 1990

The Australian Video Guide
Collins Dove, Melbourne, 1990.

Worth Watching: 30 Film Reviewers on Review (Co-ordinator and Contributor),
Spectrum, Melbourne, 1994.

Cinema Down Under Australian Movies at Home and to the World
OCIC, Brussells, 1996.

From Back Pews to Front Stalls. The Churches in a Hundred Years of Australian Feature Films (Co-ordinator and contributor),
Chevalier Press, Sydney, 1996.

Cinema, Religion, Values
OCIC, Brussels, 1999.

Myth and Meaning. Australian Directors in their own Words.
Currency Press, Sydney, 2001.

Lights Camera... Faith! A Movie Lectionary, Cycle A,
Pauline Media, Boston, 2001.

On Screen
Pauline Media, Manila, 2001.

Lights Camera...Faith! A Movie Lectionary, Cycle B,
Pauline Media, Boston, 2002.

Lights Camera...Faith! A Movie Lectionary, Cycle C,
Pauline Media, Boston, 2003.

Can Movies be a Moral Compass?
Pauline Media/WACC, London, 2005.

5000 Movies and discussions,
CD, SIGNIS, Brussels, 2005.

Lights Camera… Faith! The Ten Commandments,
Pauline Media, Boston, 2006.

Through a Catholic Lens (Co-ordinator and contributor)
Rowman and Whitfield (Sheed and Ward), New York, 2007.

Film and Faith
(CFA, Manila, 2008)

Mary on the Screen

Nelen Yubu, Kensington, 2009

Film, Faith and Church
(CFA, Manila, 2009)

Film and Sacraments
(CFA, Manila, 2011)

Film and Mary
(CFA, Manila, 2012)

Screen Jesus, Portrayals of Jesus in Film and Television.
Scarecrow Press, Maryland, 2012

Screen Priests
Depictions of Catholic Priests in Cinema, 1900-2018
ATF. Adelaide, 2019

Dear Movies
Coventry Press, Melbourne, 2020


My Names,
Nelen Yubu, Sydney, 2000.


Let A Viking Do It, Hagar and Family Illustrate the Myers Briggs Type Indicator
Collins Dove, Melbourne, 1988, 1989.
David Lovell, Melbourne, 1996.

Myers Briggs Goes to the Movies
Spectrum, Melbourne, 1991.

Mirror, Mirror on the Screen, Type and Movies
Type Resources, Gaithersberg MD, USA, 1995

The Same as Christ Jesus, Gospel and Type
St Pauls, London, 2000

The Type and Movie Book, Personality through the lens of film.
Inkshed Press, Melbourne, 2012.


'Jesus for Australians', in Gallagher, Brian (ed), A New Heart for a New World. An Exploration of the desires of God's Heart,
St Paul Publications, 1986.

'Who is Jesus?' and 'The Living Word' in Macdonald, Shirley (ed), Collins Dove, 1983.

'The Church's Story is Our Story' in Macdonald, Shirley (ed), Take Hold of Life, Collins Dove, 1985.

'Values, Beliefs and Spirituality in Film' in Kathleen Engebretson (ed), Creating Meaning, Essays in Belief, Social
Science Press, 1996.

`Jesus on Screen' in May, John R. (ed), New Images of Religious Film, Sheed and Ward, 1997.

`Brides of Christ in Devils' Playgrounds' in Screening the Past, Latrobe University, 1994.

'A De Profundis Film' in Bad Boy Bubby, Rolf de Heer, Currency Press, 1996.

`Edward Scissorhands and Christology' in Marsh, Clive and Ortiz, Gaye (eds), Explorations in Theology and Film,
Blackwells, 1997.

‘Movies Matter: The Movies – an Experience’ in What Are Movies Telling Us…? Cahayasura Communications Centre, Kuala Lumpur, 2000.

‘Cinema Can Always Highlight Family Values. But will it?’ in Stories We Tell Our People, Asian Culture, Cinema, Values and More (edited by Jacob Srampickal and Leela Joseph), OCIC Asia Secretariat, New Delhii, 2000.

'The Roman Catholic Church and Cinema (1967 to the Present'. Lyden, John C. (ed), The Routledge Companion to Religion and Film,
Routledge, 2009.

'Catholicism and Cinema', Bllizek, W (ed), Companion to Religion and Film, Continuum, 2009.

'Celebrating the 20th Year of the Ecumenical Awards at the Berlin Film Festival.. An Overview', in De Oekumenische Jury aud der Berlinale, Preistrager 1992-2010. SIGNIS and Interfilm, 2010.

'Out of the Depths, Out of the Shallows, Enter the Void' in Sellers, J (ed), Light Shines in a Dark Place. Pickwick Publications, 2012.

'Images and Stories', Anthology of Spiritual Direction, Volume 1, Equilibrium, 2012/

‘Fred Schepisi’ in Fred Schepisi: Interviews, Tom Ryan (ed), University of Mississippi, 2012.

‘Baz on the Bard’ in Baz Luhrmann: Interviews, University of Mississippi, 2014.
'Humorous and Irreverent Screen Portrayals of Jesus' in Cinematic Transformation of the Gospels, Marek Lis (ed), University of Opole, 2013.

'Dei Verbum: Media and Communication' in God's Word and the Church's Council, Vatican II and Divine Revelation', Mark O'Brien and Christopher Monaghan (eds), ATF, Adelaide, 2014.

‘Mediating Peace and Reconciliation Through Film’, Mediating Peace, Reconciliation through Visual Art, Music and Film, Sebastian Kim, Pauline Kollontai, Sue Yore, (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.

“Satan in Cinema’, The Bible in Motion, A Handbook of the Bible and its Reception in Film, Part 1, (ed Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch), De Gruter, 2016.

‘”Who do you say I am?”: Responses to Cinema Sequences of the Woman Taken in Adultery’, The T & T Clark Handbook of Jesus and Film, Richard Walsh (ed), t & t Clark, 2021.

Contributions to the de Gruyter Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception.

Articles in conference proceedings of Associations of Psychological Type on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.
USA: 1989, 1995.
Australia: 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998.

Articles on Film and Type in the MBTI reviews from Australia (1998- ), Britain (2002 -), US (1998-2004).

Cassette Volumes

Introducing the Old Testament,
Daughters of St Paul, (12 x 40 minutes), 1986.

The New Testament Jesus in the Light of the Old,
Daughters of St Paul, (12 x 40 minutes), 1987.

The Church's Unfolding History,
Parish Ministry, (24 x 40 minutes) 1990.


Contributions to a wide range of papers, magazines and
periodicals including, Compass, Irish Theological Quarterly, Pacifica,
Australasian Catholic Record, Sidoc, Sursum Corda,
Interchange, Dialogue, Twentieth Century, Scripture in Church
Eureka Street, Women -Church, Eremos, Ten- Ten..., The Swag.

Film Reviews, 1968-1998

Annals Australia, 1968-1998
Cinema Papers, passim since 1983
Catholic Leader, Brisbane, since 1991
Church Scene, 1995-7
Cine & Media, since 1991
Sun Pictorial, Melbourne, passim, 1984, 1985.
Catholic Voice, Canberra, since 1996
Standard, Hobart, since 1997
Catholic Weekly, since 1998
The Advocate, Melbourne, passim 1983-1990
Kairos, Melbourne, passim 1990-6, regularly since 1997
On Being Alive, since 1998
3 AW, 1973-1991
3 ZZ, 1994-6
Kick AM 1995-6.
The Swag, 2015-
Film Reviews, 1998-

The Universe, Manchester, 2000-2008
Westminster Gazette, passim
The Catholic Weekly, Sydney
Kairos, Melbourne
Catholic Leader, Brisbane
Catholic Voice, Canberra
SIGNIS Media, Brussels

Vatican Radio
BBC Radio 4, passim

Film Reviews, Websites

All releases on OCIC and, now,
Australian Catholic Bishops conference, Cath News
Catholic Communications, UK and Wales
Archdiocese of Hong Kong
Catholic Independent News, UK
Habitus, World Council of Churches


Association for Psychological Type (US)

Australian Catholic Theological Association

Australian Film Institute

Australian Association for Psychological Type
Foundation President, 1990-1991.
Victorian President, 1991-1993.