Supporting the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) Australia
Over the years, MSC Australia has been providing services in the different ministries including: parishes, retreat centres, education working with urban and traditional aborigines, working in the Media, chaplains to the prisons, universities, hospitals, health care, in ministry to people living with HIV+/AIDS tradesmen and in many other areas both in Australia and overseas.
The support and generosity provided by people like you enable our missionaries to carry on their works.
There are many ways you can support the MSCs.
- Formation of MSC Priests and Brothers in Australia, Asia and the Pacific
- Education of Children
- Missions in Australia and Overseas
- Charitable Purposes
Leave a Bequest or include MSC in your Will:
If you require a Tax Deductible Receipt please make your donation direct to:
We also accept donations by:
• Electronic Fund Transfer/Bank (EFT)
• Bank Cheque
Please make your payment by fund transfer through your internet banking to:
BSB Number: 062000
Account Number: 14632347
Account Name: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC)
Please write cheque payable to: "Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC)"
Send the cheque to: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) PO Box 252, Coogee NSW 2034
Please insert the following wordings in your will:
"I give to the Missionaries of the of the Sacred Heart (MSC) ABN 20 311 706 971 with address at 1A Waltham Street, Coogee NSW 2034, the sum of $ .......; or/ I give to the Missionaries of the of the Sacred Heart (MSC) .....% of the rest and residue of my estate to be applied by the Missionaries of the of the Sacred Heart (MSC) for the general purposes of Missionaries of the of the Sacred Heart (MSC] as determined by Missionaries of the of the Sacred Heart (MSC).
I direct that the receipt of the Provincial Superior or Provincial Bursar of the Missionaries of the of the Sacred Heart (MSC) shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor without my executor having to see to the application of this gift.
If at the time my Will is effective the Missionaries of the of the Sacred Heart (MSC) has changed its name, has merged with another charity or has ceased to exist, I direct my executors, in their absolute discretion, to apply this gift to that charity whose objects and purposes most nearly reflect the objects and purposes I intend to benefit."
Any queries, please contact our Business Manager:
Telephone: (02) 9665 8999
Fax: (02) 9664 2962